Grade Bulletin - Term Three, 2022
Grade Bulletin - Term Three, 2022
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Primary School provides a range of holistic learning experiences to enable students to:
5.1 The Reign of God: Reaching Out in Justice:
This unit explores the Church’s mission to build a just world. Students will look at examples of injustice and how the Church continues the mission of Jesus by working for justice. In their exploration, students will need to look at decision-making and conscience.
5.5 The Catholic Church in Australia:
This unit explores the story of the Catholic Church in Australia. Students will look at key events and people that have shaped the identity and growth of our Church in Australia. This unit allows students to explore how the Church is organised and what contemporary functions it fulfils in the lives of Australians today.
“Dreaming with eyes open” Book Week 2022
This term, our focus is for the children to identify and understand the authors’ perspective in a variety of texts. The students will read a number of texts that are integrated with other curriculum areas and Book Week.
Wonder - R J Palacio
The Dog Runner - Bren Macdibble
Playing Beatie Bow - Ruth Park
The Inheritance - Armin Greder
These texts present perspectives and points of view relating to creative & critical thinking, ethics, personal & social understanding and intercultural acceptance.
The students will compose imaginative, persuasive and informative texts using ‘Seven Steps of Writing’ technique. They will engage in online writing activities using the LittleScribe Platform. Students will be taught explicit skills in relation to grammar, punctuation, vocabulary and specific concepts about print. Students will follow the Year 5 Soundwaves spelling program focusing on weekly phonemes and graphemes. Viewing, speaking and listening activities will be taught through the use of technology such as apps, podcasts, Youtube and Zoom conferencing.
In addition, the students will engage in a poetry unit and enter the Red Room Poetry Competition. The competition invites students to use their words to make positive climate action. For every nature poem received a tree is planted to help heal habitats and create a POEM FOREST for future generations.
Each lesson in Mathematics begins with counting and a form of mental computation as a warm-up activity, followed by a sequence of activities designed to enhance the children’s understanding. The lessons conclude with a sharing of concepts. This term the children will be completing activities in the following areas: Time, Angles, Multiplication and Division, 2D Space, 3D Space and Volume and Capacity.
In Science and Technology this semester, Year 5 will examine the Material World strand. It focuses on how the properties of a range of materials as well as the way in which they are combined, determine their use and inform design solutions. Students will be presented with the opportunities to investigate and explore the different properties of solids, liquids and gases, and consider combining and separating mixtures.
This term students in Kindergarten to Year 6 will continue their participation in a Chinese language program called the Meg Language Program. The Meg Curriculum is written by the co-author of the Australian Curriculum. All students and teachers will participate in the digital learning platform via Zoom weekly sessions.
Through inquiry based learning students will focus on the unit ‘Australian Colonisation’. This study explores colonial Australia in the 1800s. Students investigate the founding of British colonies and the development of a colony. They learn about what life was like for different groups in the colonial period. Students will examine significant events and people, political and economic developments, social structures and settlement patterns.
In Visual Arts this term the students will create artworks expressing ideas using the shortlisted text from Book Week “The Inheritance”. The students will engage with Visual Literacy techniques such as tone to develop an artwork that will be displayed in the Library for Book Week in Week 6. Students will also create artworks supporting their learning in Writing inspired by the “Poem Forest” competition to create a design that is inspired by nature.
This term in Drama, students will explore and convey stories, events and feelings through roles. They will experience and respond to a range of drama forms and elements by making, performing and appreciating drama.
The school Peer Support program will focus on the Unit “Stronger Together”. It will look at concepts involving anti-bullying through building a better understanding of relationships. This module will link in with Schoolwide Positive Behaviours for Learning (SPBL).
In Term 3, students will learn and develop skills, strategies and tactics in relation to team sports including Basketball, Netball, Touch Football and Oztag. Students will participate positively in groups and teams, encouraging others and demonstrating sportsmanship throughout the different skill development activities. Students will practise ethical behaviour and fair play when being exposed to movement tasks and challenges.
"Great teachers set great homework", is our theme for the year.
This term our students may choose activities from the Homework Activities Grid that align to their Smart Goals (Learning & Personal). Reading at night is the only compulsory activity. It is expected that the children will read for at least 20 minutes each night as part of their 40 minutes nightly homework.
We look forward to a happy and successful term with you and your children.
Mrs Jo Ford and Miss Jade Warton (5Blue)
Miss Sophie-Louise Sprod (5Gold)
Miss Chonteau Poot (5White)
Sport Days:
5B: Monday and Thursday
5G: Monday and Thursday
5W: Tuesday and Thursday
Library Days:
5B: Wednesday Odd Weeks
5G: Monday Even Weeks
5W: Wednesday Even Weeks
School Term - Monday, 18 July 2022 - Friday, 23 September 2022
Your parent calendar is available at this link