Grade Bulletin - Term Three, 2022

Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Primary School provides a range of holistic learning experiences to enable students to:

  • Participate in the life and mission of the school.
  • Deepen their knowledge and engagement with the Catholic faith and tradition.
  • Build capacity to continuously reason, reflectively, logically and critically.
  • Embrace interdependence of human existence as global citizens, who are responsible to and for themselves and others.
  • Engage in learning in a multitude of ways, through personalised and self-paced learning.

Religious Education

1.5 Stories of God's people

This unit presents stories from both the Old and New Testaments. The parables of the Kingdom – Yeast, Hidden Treasure and Precious Pearl – are told. Then stories of ‘Joseph’ and ‘Moses and the Burning Bush’ are told. The unit develops the concept of the Bible as sacred, telling us about God’s relationship with people.


1.4 Nourished by God

This unit focuses on the Sunday celebration of the Mass. It introduces students to Sunday as the special day when Catholics gather at Mass to listen, remember and give thanks to God, receive Holy Communion and go out to love and serve the Lord. 


The second part of the unit looks at the story of ‘The Feeding of the Five Thousand’. It explores how Jesus cared for and fed the people. It invites the children to consider how they care for others and share what they have. 


Reading and Viewing: We will continue to engage the children in guided and shared reading activities aimed at developing their comprehension, decoding skills and fluency.


Writing and Representing: This term Year One is learning about the concept of ‘Sustainability’. We will be exploring the question ‘Why are Mini-beasts important in our environment?’ Our writing activities this Term will focus on informative writing and will be based on ‘The Insect Series’ by Rebecca Johnson.


Handwriting: Using the text ‘Writing Time 1’ the children will continue to work on their pencil grip, correct formation of letters (including starting point and direction) and correct sizing of letters. They will continue to improve writing within lines.


Spelling: The Soundwaves program incorporates sound-to-letter strategies, meaning that sounds can be represented in more than one way. This approach focuses first on the basic units of sound in our language. In Term 3 we will be focusing on the graphemes o, p, r, ar, s, ss, se, x(ks), c, or, ore, a, au, aw, t, tt, or, a, v, ve, oo, u, y, oo, wh, w, u.


Speaking and Listening: The students will be interviewing a member of their family for homework to find out about schools in the past and will present this to the class.


Students will have opportunities to explore LAUNCH Tasks, concrete materials and interactive activities. The activities are differentiated in order to cater to the students’ needs and abilities.  This term we will focus on the topics of Fractions and decimals, Time, Addition and subtraction, 3D space and Volume and capacity. 

Science and Technology

Students will be looking at living things in particular different mini beasts and their characteristics. They will look at life cycles, growth and change of living things, and habitats. 



The students will continue their weekly mandarin lessons via zoom. Students will continue to use spoken Chinese to communicate with teachers and peers. During our Mandarin lessons, students participate in structured and routine interactions, such as using learnt sounds, formulaic phrases, and verbal and non-verbal responses.


This term the students will be looking at present and past family life. This topic provides a study of present and past family life within the context of the students’ own world. Students learn similarities and differences in family life by comparing the present with the past. They begin to explore the links, and the changes that occur, over time and are introduced to the use of historical sources.


Creative Arts

In Visual Arts children will explore various art elements to produce Mini-beasts and habitats. The students will create artworks based on the text “Just One Bee” and their final products will be displayed in the Library for Book Week in Week 6. Students will also be creating plasticine/clay designs to support their artworks.

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education

In Term 3 students will begin to learn the developmental gross motor movements that help to establish the sequences that assist in performance when participating in a team sport. Sports that will be focused on include, Basketball, Netball, Soccer and locomotor movement skills that assist in all sports. Students will work together in a team environment and encourage and support each other throughout the learning process. 


Students are to be: 

  • Reading a book each night - Reading logs are checked each morning
  • Completing their spelling words and sentences in their homework books - Homework books are due each Friday
  • Talking and listening to History news - Please refer to the handout in your child's homework book for more information regarding this. 

We look forward to working with you and your child this term. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher via a note or by email. 


Ms Liz O'Brien and Mrs Drazena Prsa (1White)

Mrs Nicole Pyne (1Gold)

Miss Jae Withers (1Blue)

Important Dates for Year 1

Sport Day

1Blue – Thursday

1Gold – Monday and Wednesday

1White  – Thursday



1Blue – Friday

1Gold – Friday (even weeks)

1White –  Friday


School Term - Monday, 18 July  2022 - Friday, 23 September 2022


Your parent calendar is available at this link