
Year 10 Drama Class Play Performance

After months of work, the Year 10 Drama Class performed their class play to captivated audiences on Thursday 9th June. The cast weathered COVID, casting changes and script rewrites like professionals and were responsible for the entire process – from the smallest prop to direction of the grandest party scene. 


However, what I was most proud of was the initiative and consideration for one another that the cast displayed consistently throughout the development and performance process. If they want to, they would be an asset to any professional performing arts institution in years to come. 


Thank you to all the teachers who allowed their students and classes to watch the show, Brenton Van Vliet for setting up the lighting board and Joel Batalha for answering my thousand questions and being a beacon of support. Thanks also to Sonja Ardley and John Ballagh for coming along and supporting performing arts at the school – the Arts are definitely back in 2022! 

Above: The Year 10 Drama Class Play cast after their second and final performance. 


Ms Bradley, Year 10 Drama Teacher