Year 7-9 Sector

Year 7 

Year 7s have made a great start to the new term. 


A big thank you to the teachers who organised the Big Hero 6 excursion. It was an amazing day where all the Year 7 students got the chance to watch the Big Hero 6 movie and visit the Australian Centre for Moving Image. The behaviour across the day was outstanding and it was great to see so many students from Year 7 attending the excursion. 

This week we will start our second cohort games on Thursday during lunchtime. This is a great opportunity for students in Year 7 to participate or support their homeroom in the games. Our cohort champion for term 1 was awarded to 7D! 


Everyone is looking forward to all that is to come this term including Year 7 camp. Year 7’s will head off to camp on the 22nd of June with many exciting activities including mountain bike riding, flying fox, rock climbing and archery. 


Looking forward to a great term 2! 

Year 7 Team

Year 8

Welcome back to another Term for 2022. The year 8s have made a great start to the new term. A big thank you to Caitline Pretty who organised a fantastic excursion with all year 8s attending the MCG Tour as part of their History in sport curriculum. It was an amazing day where all the Year 8 students got the chance to participate in the interactive games, tour the sports museum and the a private MCG. We were even lucky enough to get a sneak peak of the Richmond Tigers in training. 


Next week we will start our second cohort games on Tuesday during lunchtime. This is a great opportunity for students in Year 8s to participate or support their homeroom in the games. They will vote for their sport/game of choice. 


Looking toward what is to come to this term including Year 8 interschool sports- with training beginning this week as well as a trip to ACMI to watch Spiderverse as part of their English study.


Looking forward to a great term 2 with our wonderful Year 8 cohort.! 

Year 9

Welcome back to school and to Term Two! 


Last term finished with the year 9 Gold Coast camp. Although the trip was cut short, we managed to fill the days we did have with fun and made amazing memories to celebrate the class of 22. I would like to thank all staff, students and families who helped make this possible and were also so adaptive with the sudden changes that occurred. We truly had the best time whilst we were there and I commend the students on how fantastic they were throughout, making it so memorable!


This term, the year 9s have been straight back into the swing of things and are settling well into their routines and classes. We have had an exciting start particularly, with the longed year 9 jumpers which arrived last week. These look great on our students as pictured on our school captains – perfect timing for the cold mornings! 


Although a smaller term, this term is jam packed with NAPLAN, seminar days, interschool sports, cohort games, outdoor education camp, exams, reports and much more. 


We wish you all a wonderful term and look forward to sharing all that it to come with our incredible year 9 cohort.


Thank you,

Chloe Karras