3-4 S.A.K.G
Mylinh Crossman
3-4 S.A.K.G
Mylinh Crossman
In the garden, students have been busy making the most of Autumn by collecting leaves to add to our compost heap. We had fun digging the compost over to find worm activities. We planted garlic, broccoli, cauliflower, celery and spring onions which are growing well in preparation for our warming Autumn menu. We were excited to find a rockmelon planting coming out of our homemade compost. We constructed a frame and nurtured it and eagerly watching its growth despite the change in the weather which may inhibit the fruit’s maturity.
In the kitchen, we made connections with Year 4 Health Unit- Healthy Eating by learning about the Healthy Eating Plate. We explored the recommended portions and ensured our recipes included healthy ingredients and protein substitutes. Tiffany from 4A and Jairah from 4C shared their learning below:
Today we learnt about the Healthy Eating Plate. There are 3 sections to the plate, it should consist of 1/2 vegetable and salad, 1/4 lean protein and 1/4 complex carbohydrates. We listed some examples of each section.
Students made and absolutely loved eating lentil soup, vegetable soup and wholemeal bread rolls as part of learning about the Healthy Eating Plate. Please head to our school website or see link for recipes.