Principal News
Welcome Back!
A warm welcome back to Term 2! Students have settled smoothly into the term and have reengaged energetically into their learning. This term highlights include important events such as NAPLAN, Year 6 Camp, Education Week and Student Semester One Reports. Further information regarding Education Week and Student Semester One Reports will be communicated to families accordingly.
Thank you to our school captains Jacob Crnogorac and Sophia Viola who represented Brookside College at this year’s ANZAC Day dawn service held at the Caroline Springs Town Centre. Jacob and Sophia were also joined at the service by various Brookside families and staff.
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an annual assessment for all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. The tests cover skills in reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation, and numeracy. This is the first year Brookside College will be conducting NAPLAN using the online platform. The NAPLAN Online testing period begins on Tuesday 10 May and concludes on Friday 20 May 2022. We wish students all the best!
Mother's Day Stall
The annual Mother’s Day stall was held earlier this term, providing students with the opportunity to purchase a gift for their mother or special person in their life. Thank you to all members of the Parents and Friends Committee (PFC) and other volunteers who ran the stall and assisted on the day in making the event such a successful one!
P-6 Monday Assemblies
The P-6 weekly assemblies were launched with students on Monday 2 May and they have already proven to be a great success! Each Monday morning at 8:50 am, students will meet their teachers under the hayshed ready for a short assembly. The assembly will incorporate student awards, a year level share, behaviour focus and any reminders/announcements. From Monday 16 of May we welcome parents, guardians and carers to join these assemblies as well. We look forward to this very exciting initiative, building further connections and a positive school culture.
2023 Year 7 Information Evening
The 2023 Year 6-7 transition process is already underway! To support both current and prospective families with this process Brookside College conducted an online information session on Thursday 5 May, which provided information as well as some key dates. Thank you to Miss Keda Meagher for organising the evening. A friendly reminder that Year 7 placement applications are due into the office by Friday 13 May.
Prep 2023 Enrolments
Brookside College is continuing to accept enrolments for Prep 2023. School tours run regularly each fortnight for prospective families who are interested in enrolling their child/ren to our college. Information pertaining to enrolments and registration for school tours can be found on our school website:
Year 6 Camp Information Evening
An information evening was held on Tuesday 3 May for parents/guardians of students attending the Year 6 Canberra Camp later this term. The session provided information regarding the itinerary and Covid protocols. Thank you to Miss Sarah Moed for presenting on the evening.
Education Week
Education Week will take place this year from Monday 23 May – Friday 27 May and will celebrate the theme “150 Years of Public Education”. Communication will be posted to families soon about how Brookside College will be celebrating this special milestone.
Blue Award 2022
Education Week will take place this year from Monday 23 May – Friday 27 May and will celebrate the theme “150 Years of Public Education”. Communication will be posted to families soon about how Brookside College will be celebrating this special milestone.
Cooler Weather
Although it has been lovely seeing and playing with all of the different coloured leaves that have fallen from the trees, it is also a reminder that cooler weather has arrived. At this time of the year the weather can be very unpredictable and can change very quickly - please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately according to the weather. Should your child wish to wear a beanie, scarf or gloves whilst outside, he/she may do so as long as the clothing items are school colours.
We hope you have a wonderful weekend!
The Executive Team
Brookside College