School News

School updates and information for parents and carers

Introducing STYMIE

Stymie empowers young people to ask for help when they need support, or if they are seeing or experiencing harm. Stymie provides online reporting for schools.

Stymie’s purpose is to support psychological safety by empowering young people with the self-belief that they can #saysomething on behalf of themselves or as a bystander for someone else. 

Of every 30 young people in Australia seven will be dealing with a mental health issue, yet only two will reach out for support. Stymie works with you to give the young people you are working with, the power to say something or ask for help. These statistics have undoubtedly become even more concerning as we enter our 3rd year of the pandemic.



Energy Drinks 

Energy drinks are not permitted at Kempsey High School. If students bring energy drinks to school they will be confiscated and returned at the end of the day. Opened cans will be placed in the bin. To avoid disappointment, please don't bring them to school. Energy drinks are an extremely unhealthy substitute for fluid replacement or adequate rest. The amount of sugar in these drinks can be harmful to students' teeth and digestive system. 

If you have any concerns regarding this matter please contact your year advisor or school executive staff. 

Seeking Teachers

Breakfast Club 8:15 am - 9 am Daily

Breakfast is often called 'the most important meal of the day, and for good reason. As the name suggests, breakfast breaks the overnight fasting period. It replenishes your supply of glucose to boost your energy levels and alertness, while also providing other essential nutrients required for good health.


We understand that some students face challenges getting breakfast each morning for all sorts of reasons. That's why the Breakfast Club is available every morning to ensure all students can start their day of learning with the right nutrients.


Toast is available every morning between 8:15 and 9:00 am and you are always welcome.