Kempsey Careers News

Kempsey High School recently had three ATSI students apply for two positions that became available through Kempsey Shire Council, The two positions  We had 3 students up for this Preston Kelly, Jayden Griffen and Brenda Duncan.


We had 2 successful students in Preston Kelly in Construction and Brenda Duncan in Administration.


What a fantastic achievement. 


Health Careers Workshop

University of Newcastle and BREAATHHE (Bringing Rural Experience and Awareness to Hunter Health Education)

Over 70 students from years 9-12 participated in a number of activities to encourage and promote rural and remote health careers. The activities provided fun and educational experiences for students across multiple disciplines including Medicine, Nursing, Nutrition & Dietetics, Occupational Therapy, Oral Health, Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Psychology, Social Work, Midwifery and Speech Pathology

University of Newcastle Students, who are currently studying and engaged in the Newcastle Rural Health Club, BREAATHHE , inspired our students about the career possibilities in health and promoted pathways to university.



Kempsey High students engaged in the UAVAIR Industry Workshop focused on showcasing the opportunities within the drone industry, the pathways into the industry and what a job in the industry might look like.

The drone industry is a rapidly growing industry that we are continuing to see play a key role in many careers, whether that be in surveying, agriculture, mining, photography/cinematography, emergency services, Defence and many more.