Year 7 and 8 Sport Electives

By Paula Alexander - Business Manager



In the sport package information, you received at the end of 2021, you would have completed your child's preferences for 2022. Along with this, we provided the costs of the individual sports. 

During 2022 we have implemented a new payment system for Year 7 & 8 sport electives. We now use Compass as a means of collecting funds for the sport electives. In the last few weeks of each term you will have a Compass Event for the sport elective chosen last year by you or your child (not always the first preference) due for payment. 

There is currently a two-week opportunity to pay for the event to secure your child’s position in the chosen elective. After the close date, we review the sport and adjust as necessary to ensure that we are still able to hold the elective. This may mean that your child is moved to a different sport as a consequence. Anyone who has paid for a sport that we are no longer able to run, would receive a credit onto your account. If this happens, your child may be moved from their first choice, or second choice to a sport that we can run on campus.

If after the two week event opening period has passed and you still wish to pay for the year level sport, please contact the office on 03 9580 6311 or to discuss how to make payment.

Many of our off-campus sports have waiting lists, which is understandable, as these are usually the more popular sports to be participating in. These sports also have the higher costs as they cover entrance fees and bus costs. Conversely the on-campus costs are for the provision of the sporting equipment to run the program.

We do rely on our parent’s contributions to be able to run the Year 7 and 8 programs. We do hope that you can support the school and community by contributing towards the cost of this valuable program.