From The Principal

Mr David Russell

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

At this time, we have been fortunate that we have not had a large number of positive COVID-19 cases within our student population or amongst our staff.  This has enabled the normal timetable to run as planned.

Many restrictions have now been lifted and it is pleasing to see students being able to participate in excursions, incursions, interschool sport, camps and activities that involve people outside the direct school community of students and staff. To this end, I thank all members of the school community for their patience and understanding through these uncharted waters.

School tours have now recommenced twice per week to groups of thirty.  A time commitment but one I feel has been very beneficial in allowing us to showcase the college in a working day mode.


Capital Works

The concrete floor of the first level has now been poured and the columns to support the roof structure are now being completed.  The hardcourts have now had their concrete works completed.  The retaining wall and fences are to be erected and the top surface, line markings and relevant goals, etc to be completed.  I have been advised that the courts are scheduled to be handed over at the start of Term Two.  The first aid centre extension work has now moved forward.  The concrete slab for the floor has been poured with the necessary under floor services completed.  The preliminary frame work has also been erected.  At present this extension is due to be completed at the end of the first week of Term Two.


You can view a time-lapse of the 2nd level concrete pour > here <



The College Swimming Sports were held at the Oakleigh Swimming Pool on Thursday 3rd March. The weather was much warmer than previous years and contributed to the great enthusiasm and participation by the students.  Iluka were the overall winners of the house competition on the day. We are certainly looking forward to another day of fun and competition at the School Athletics carnival in August.

Many students have been involved in the summer round robin interschool sports competitions, which again has been pleasing to see after the non-sport years of 2020/21.


Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews

Parent/teacher/student interviews were held on Tuesday 29th March (Year 10-12) and will be held on Thursday 28th April (Year 7-9). Given the positive response to the online interviews in 2020/21, these interviews will again be online in 2022. Details for the 7-9 interviews will be available shortly.


Respect For Property

One of our school values is respect.  This includes respect for the physical college and its surrounds.  Unfortunately, there has been a spate of deliberate acts of vandalism.  In particular, there has been damaged to toilet facilities around the college. This has been in all toilet areas.  I ask all students to respect the facilities of the college.  It is disappointing that money and time is spent repairing damage that could otherwise be directed towards improving other areas of the school and provide different learning opportunities for students.