a word from leadership

Easter Blessings

Growing up in a Christian home, the traditions and rituals of Easter are something I looked forward to each year. Being of Polish/Latvian/Estonian and German heritage, decorated and hand dyed boiled eggs, egg cracking competitions, decorated Easter nests with flowers, grass, leaves from the garden, mouth-watering yeast bakery, and beautiful German songs are highlights of my past and current celebration at Easter. 

As with many cultures, these traditions are an important part of our identity. Our family's past, present and future celebrate these in some way. 

It's the same for Christians at Easter. The acknowledgment of Holy Week; Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and the celebration of Easter Sunday are our identity. Without this sacrificial act of Jesus giving His life to spare ours, we would have no identity. Our identity is in Christ, the crucified and risen Lord.

I leave you with the words many Christians share on Easter Sunday as a greeting "He is risen, He is risen indeed." Easter blessings to you and yours.

The close of term 1

Murmurs all through the community seem to echo the feeling that Term 1 has been difficult - for all. It has been. But....what has shone through in the Good Shepherd community is a determination by so many to continue to create opportunities for love, optimism and creativity. So many of you greet us in the morning with smiles, waves, acknowledgement and respect. The positive example this is to our students is precious. It's precious because amidst uncertainty relationships are strong, relationships matter, relationships mean growth, relationships mean forgiveness, relationships bring hope.

What Term 2 in our schools will look like continues to remain an unknown, but what is known is the joy it is to serve in this community. 

Thank you parents, students, teachers, support staff and Principal, David. 

Your relationships matter. You matter. 

Karen Schoff

Director Learning Innovation

Learning Conversations

Thank you to all for helping create a smooth transition to our online Learning Conversations this week. The connection and communication is paramount in supporting your child to succeed.

Our teachers are available to connect with you throughout the term. While being on site is not an option currently, email, phone and online meetings are always welcomed.

I'd like to say a huge 'thank you' to our teaching team. Their dedication to student wellbeing, growth and learning is outstanding. Its been a long term full of ups and downs, especially the changing face of their cohort from day to day.

I acknowledge their commitment, passion, drive and professionalism. 

This includes our Specialist and Learning Support teachers who continue to develop engaging programs to support our learners. 

Digital Device 'tasks' for the end of term

Stage 3 and 4 students are encouraged to spend time filing and cleaning out unwanted photos and videos from their devices over the holiday break.

It's a great time to connect as you look through learning and images. Positive conversations and interest go a long way in building trust.

Karen Schoff

Director Learning Innovation

COVID - no match for Jesus

The last years have been different and difficult, and this year to date has been more challenging than ever.  We’re all feeling it as COVID continues to create distance in our workplaces, families and social networks.  I believe we are now around the peak in cases in SA.  What will this mean?


Christian Churches recognised last Sunday as Palm Sunday (the beginning of Holy Week).  I wonder, if COVID-19 was around on that first Palm Sunday, would Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem have been cancelled?  Would restrictions have been placed on the crowd size?  What about proof of double vaccination to attend?  No doubt the Pharisees would’ve been there to squeal to the closest centurion that an illegal ‘mass gathering’ was forming.  


Holy Week is a special time for Christians all around the world and again this year churches may be emptier than normal, as individuals make choices about their safety or continue to find themselves in isolation.  But will worship stop because of it?  I doubt that very much.  There are so many creative examples of God’s people finding ways to experience his love and connection. 

  • What about choirs using Zoom to produce beautiful songs of worship from the safety of everyone’s home. You might have seen this one.  https://youtu.be/RY4CW5pte98
  • There are podcasts, live streaming and messages shared by pastors and others via social media, websites and email.
  • The pages of books may well again become the reflective focus of families immersing themselves in the life saving events of Easter.

All of this reminds me that, despite our physical isolation from each other, we remain a Communion of Saints, praising God through history and into eternity.  Luther in the Small Catechism says, “In the same way, He calls, gathers, enlightens, and sanctifies the whole Christian church on earth, and keeps it with Jesus in the one true faith.”  This is always true whether we are gathered in a church or on our own.


This nasty virus will not prevail over God’s church, as sin will not prevail. This sickness has already been defeated on that first Good Friday and Easter Sunday. As we enter the Easter weekend let us sing our Hosannas and Hallelujahs anew with knowledge that the whole church on earth is doing the same. Again, we celebrate the triumphant Jesus who humbly enters our world to come to save and free us from anything and everything the world can throw at us. Shouts of praise could not be silenced on that first Easter and will not be silenced now!


Peace and blessings to you this Easter and over the school holiday break.   


David Wilksch
