Religious Education News

From the writings of Mary MacKillop
God gives me strength for what is necessary.
Mary MacKillop 1907
Weekly Parish Bulletin from Fr Thaddeus
5th Sunday of Lent, YEAR C
Blessings from God.
Parish Bulletin for last Sunday.
Fr Thaddeus Ike,
St Patrick's Warialda
Holy Week Liturgy
Thursday 7th April, the children will participate in a Holy Week Liturgy.
Holy Week is the week before Easter Sunday, beginning seven days before with Palm Sunday.
The students will act out different parts of Holy Week, including Palm Sunday and the Last Supper, helping them to become more familiar with the journey Jesus took during his last days on earth before returning to his Heavenly Father.
Parents are very welcome to join us in this liturgy which will be held in the School Hall at 11.40 a.m. (please note the earlier time).
Wishing you God's blessings for the fortnight ahead.
Frances Reynolds
Acting Principal