Principal's News

This is my last week as Acting Principal, and I will be sad to be leaving on Thursday afternoon, as I've truly loved my time here with this wonderful community. Thank you for your welcome and friendly, smiling faces. I know that Mr Joe Dimech will be excited to return for Term 2.
Wednesday 6th April at 1.30p.m. the K, 1, 2 children will be making Easter hats, and then showing off their wonderful creations in an Easter Hat parade.
Parents and their families are invited to come along and help with this craft activity and then watch the Easter hat parade.
The primary children will also be helping the younger children (or maybe making their own creative Easter hats if they wish!)
Simple craft materials will be provided, but if you would like to bring some along too, you would be very welcome.
Thursday 7th April, the children will participate in a Holy Week Liturgy.
Holy Week is the week before Easter Sunday, beginning seven days before with Palm Sunday.
The students will act out different parts of Holy Week, including Palm Sunday and the Last Supper, helping them to become more familiar with the journey Jesus took during his last days on earth before returning to his Heavenly Father.
Parents are very welcome to join us in this liturgy which will be held in the School Hall at 11.40a.m. (please note the earlier time).
Also finishing this week is our school cleaner - Doreen..... Doreen has been working at St Joseph's for the last 9 years. She has always shown pride in the school making sure that it is looking sparkling clean and tidy, especially throughout these Covid times keeping everyone healthy and safe. We wish her well and thank her sincerely for her dedication and commitment.
Last Monday the students travelled to Yetman for a great day of cricket with several other small schools in the area. It was a great opportunity for the children to learn and practice new skills and meet other students. They were all wonderful ambassadors for St Joseph's!
Wishing you all the best for the fortnight ahead.
Frances Reynolds
Acting Principal