Wellbeing MATTERS!

Welcome Benvenuto


Here we are again travelling life’s journey trying our best to be safe and healthy.  We are being ‘salutegenic’.  The term salutegenic is based on the word ‘salute’ which means health.  In Italian we often say ‘salute!’ to express our desire for good health to all.  In Pastoral Wellbeing terms it is often referred to the practices we undertake to stay safe and healthy. 


This term we will be focusing on staying safe and healthy online. 

What can we do to keep ourselves free from harm and anxiety as we navigate the world wide web (www) and we use the many devices we have at our exposal?  How do we keep our children safe on this same platform?


As a parent it is your right and responsibility to monitor and maintain your child’s use of technological devices to maintain a salutegenic home.  The eSafety Commissioner has developed many resources that will help you support your family and maintain a healthy and safe technology home.

Our focus for this issue your personal information:

Take some time to consider this – would you let a stranger into your house? The same principle applies to your Smart Phone, tablet, laptop, desktop – whatever technological device you choose to use.  What are you doing to protect your health and wellbeing?


You can find the e-safety commissioner parent page: 

There are also a number of webinars that you can access, for free, that will help you keep your family safe and free from online harm.

I would encourage you to participate in these as they could be a sanity saver!




We are pleased to announce that Sarah Langley has been appointed to work as a Pastoral Care Officer at Sacred Heart School.  Sarah will be with us on Fridays and will work with us to support our children, parents and staff in any matters relating to wellbeing.

If ever you need help sorting out personal or family issues, give CatholicCare Victoria a call.  They offer many services to all members of our community – ALL FREE.



When we get the giggles, our bodies release natural, feel-good chemicals. So, get your funniest friend on the phone, watch some Robin Williams or do what makes you LOL.



Niente Senza Gioia


Pastoral Wellbeing Leader

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