Catholic Identity

Dear Families,


        Let us Pray….








​"I give my sheep eternal life."

The Gospel Story

In Jesus’ time, shepherds knew their sheep and their sheep knew them!  A different person could go into the sheepfold and call a sheep by name but the sheep would not respond. They knew their master's voice. If a shepherd called their sheep, immediately they would follow. They didn't need sheep dogs or to round up the sheep - the sheep responded to the sound of the master's voice. God knows each one of us. We are not just one of the crowd. We may look and sound similar and there are billions of 'us', but God can sort us out, easily identifying who is who. This is a story of great love!


The Gospel

A reading from the holy Gospel according to John                 10:27-30                                   


I give my sheep eternal life.


Jesus said to his disciples:

"My sheep know my voice, and I know them.

They follow me,

and I give them eternal life,

so that they will never be lost.

No one can snatch them out of my hand.

My Father gave them to me,

and he is greater than all others.

No one can snatch them from his hands,

and I am one with the Father."

​         The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.


Reflecting on the Gospel Story….                                   

What was Jesus really talking about in today’s gospel story? 

Is it just about sheep, or is it really about something else?

Talk together about the ways that Jesus cares for you and protects you like a Good Shepherd.


A big THANKYOU to the Term 1  Catholic Identity Team - Ella; Lachlan; Isabel; William; Sophia; and Tori - they worked with resilience and passion to assist our classes through the Lenten journey at Sacred Heart.  They did a fantastic job and were always willing to help and lead where needed.  With their help Sacred Heart managed to fundraise over $700 for Project Compassion and CARITAS. 

So, another big THANKYOU to the families at Sacred Heart who helped by joining in and donating to this cause.  We are truly blessed to have such caring and compassionate families at Sacred Heart.



Week 2

(First meeting of the six)

Family cluster meetings using the ‘Steps in Faith’ Sacramental Preparation Program begin as they journey toward their Confirmation and First Eucharist with the Bishop and Fr John in June.
Friday 6th May, 9.15am

MMother’s Day Mass led by F-2 students  - whole school attendance - Mothers and Special People welcome

PPR - Mother’s Day theme - at school

22nd May, 10amSchool Mass on Sunday - Sacramental Candidates to be presented with the Our Father Prayer - Cuppa after Mass
12th June, 10amSacramental Candidates return their booklets to Fr John at Mass  
15th June, 9.15amSacramental Candidates to Parish Mass and then to take part in Reconciliation with Fr John afterwards.
19th June, 10amConfirmation - First Eucharist Mass with Bishop Shane & Fr John
24th June, 9.15am

Feast of the Sacred Heart Mass - TBC

Feast of the Sacred Heart Celebration at School - TBC

Sacramental Program 2022     

We congratulate the 14 children  that were accepted by the Parish at the weekend as Candidates for Confirmation and First Eucharist this term.

(See dates above)

These children and their families now undertake six weeks of preparation as they journey toward their Confirmation and First Eucharist in June.  Please keep them in your prayers.

Please keep Alexia, Nicholas, Isabella, Amy, Marco, Summer, Grace, Eva, Hugh, Elisa, Kallen, Kane, Ingrid and Sienna in your prayers as they prepare for their Confirmation and First Eucharist over the next six weeks.

Prayer for this week


Have a great week!



Debbie Turvey

RE Leader