Administration Notices

Updating Details
Please ensure all your family contact details are up to date, including contact phone numbers, residential & postal address & email address. We also require your nominated emergency contact details to be current & up to date.
Please inform the office if you have any changes to your contact details.
If your students’ Medical details have changed, please ensure all relevant information is updated through PAM and notify the Office.
Please check the school noticeboard in the quadrangle for any notices that have not been included on the newsletter.
It is the policy of the school that only community and local sports events for children are included in the newsletter.
Second Hand Uniform Sales
School uniform items are available for sale! Please feel free to come along to purchase a bargain on a Tuesday & Wednesday.
Uniforms will be sold via the Office.
Student Absences
Please notify the school office via PAM on the day your child is absent. Teachers will require a written or electronic note as well. Parents will be contacted if their child has an unexplained absence. We ask for your support regarding this important requirement.
Before and After School Care
Before School Care must be booked in by 6pm the previous day.
All cancellations and casual bookings must be phoned or submitted by the school website by 11am each day for After School Care.
Please do not rely on email for this.
Charges will apply for bookings not cancelled. After School Care is held in the Mercy Centre.
Please note: Children who have not been collected from school by 3:45pm will automatically be put into After School Care and normal ASC charges will apply.
ASC contact number during operating hours is:
0400 649 379
To keep up to date please like our FB page to keep up to date with what is going on at SHS. A weekly What's On page is loaded each week.
Before and After School Care Bank Account Details
BSB: 083-876 Account Number: 595612865
Account Name: Sacred Heart After School Care
Bank: NAB Branch: Tatura
School Bank Account Details - School Fees
BSB: 083-543 Account Number: 457828641
Account Name: Sacred Heart School, Tatura
Bank: NAB Branch: Bendigo
SIMON Everywhere
Families are asked to access PAM through the SIMON Everywhere App for updated calendar, daily messages, school notices, to submit absence notifications and give permission to attend school events/activities. The knowledge bank also provides access to stationary lists and other parent information.
SMS reminder
Parents are reminded not to respond to the SMS sent by the school for unexplained absences, as it is an automated system notice.
School Uniform
School students are expected to wear the summer school uniform (with hats) in Term 1 and 4.
Tatura Logos & Promos as well as the Uniform Shop in Corio Street Shepparton are able to supply the complete uniform for Sacred Heart School.
Monday to Thursday 8:15am - 4:15pm
Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm
NEWSLETTER DEADLINE - Tuesday 12:00pm email:
Lunch order days: Thursday & Friday
Unwell Children
If your child is not well please keep them at home. It is not fair to expect a child who is unwell to participate in learning activities and we are also conscious of them spreading their illness throughout the class.
Medications at School
If your child requires medication at school a note identifying the child, class, medication name, dosage, and time to be given needs to be sent to the office. The medication should be in the original container.
All medication is dispensed through the office and is signed off on a medication register. If the appropriate permission is not sent with the medication it cannot be given to the student. It is also a good idea to mention to the student’s teacher that there is medication at the office and what time it is to be given.
World Book Online
Students have access to World Book Online from home Cut and paste the Web address into your browser:
Logon & password are: shstat
Conveyance Allowance
Families who live more than 4.8km from Sacred Heart School and it is the nearest Catholic Primary School may be eligible for Conveyance Allowance. Please see Debbie in the Office if you think you maybe eligible and do not already receive Conveyance Allowance.
Working with Children Check
We really value all parent/carer participation in a variety of ways across the school. In order to
enable you to do this you must provide a Working With Children Check. The WWCC is free for volunteers. We ask that all parents, grandparents, friends and carers who assist at the school (or
intend to in the future) apply for the WWCC at
or telephone the information line on 1300 652 879. If you need assistance with this, please come into the office. The school will also need a copy of your WWCC when it has been checked.
School Fee payments by Direct Debit
Direct debit forms are available at the Office if families would still like to set up a direct debit. Should any of our families be experiencing financial difficulty and hardship please contact Pauline Hindson by calling the school or by email to make an appointment: