Dear Families


Term 2:

Welcome back to everyone after the Easter / term break. Everyone looks refreshed and ready for another terrific term. We have started immediately with the school athletics for Year 3-6 students! There was much enthusiasm on display as we got on the buses this morning. I expect more tired eyes than enthusiasm this afternoon.

As outlined in the alert yesterday the changes to our COVID operation has been swift and wide ranging. 

In essence :

  • Face masks are recommended but not mandated for staff, parents and students (Year 3-6)
  • RAT testing: We will continue to provide test kits for the first 4 weeks of term 2.
  • Household Contacts: May attend school if they have no symptoms, wear a mask at all times (8year old and above) and  undertake 5 RAT tests in the school days of the effected week.  Families must contact school if any positive cases in the family occur.
  • Vaccinations: The third dose vaccination requirements applies to any visitors or volunteers performing work on school sites. This includes parent helpers.

The need for all our staff and students safety is paramount. Let’s continue to take care, stay home if we are unwell and observe normal hygiene and social distancing recommendations.

The interruptions to our school will continue to occur, especially as Winter approaches, so the need to care for everyone continues to be necessary.



We are now using iNewsletter to communicate information to our school community.

Parents, carers and staff can access iNewsletter at any time to see the most up to date information. 


School Athletics:

What a wonderful day to conduct this event. The enthusiasm, as mentioned, is terrific to observe and the parents who are able to attend Landy Field today will see this engagement and enthusiasm on display. Thank you to Peter who organised the day. As we all are aware the work needed to have the day proceed is enormous. 


New Families – Welcome:

The following families have joined our school this term. We welcome both the students and their parents to our community.

Joni joins 1HR and brother, Lenny joins 4LB. Welcome to their parents Ryan and Brooke.

Enrique joins Prep B, welcome to parents Eloisa and Engelbert.

Belle will be joining 1RP, welcome to parents Shannan and Garratt.



I realise this seems like ages ago but I would like to again reflect on the 2022 Fair. It was fantastic to see our community back together enjoying the community we live in and the people that make it up. The night was a great community get together which again demonstrated the commitment we have to the school, staff, students and families.



We have borrowed a number of marquees and chairs used at the Fair from Ocean Grove Primary, which we need to return. If anyone has a tandem trailer and a spare 3 hours who could assist with the return of these items please contact the office to arrange a suitable time/ day. This will involve one trip to Ocean Grove.


Holiday Works:

At last the weather was kind and we were able to complete the sealing and painting of the basketball and netball courts. They look fantastic! Thank you for everyone’s understanding of the need to close the school while these works were undertaken. Our school is normally “open” to our community to use the facilities respectfully at any time, but to undertake the works we needed time for preparation and curing of the surface.



Gavan Welsh

Principal Chilwell Primary School.



Free to new home. Contact the office if interested.
Free to new home. Contact the office if interested.