Weekes' Weekly News

Learning, growing and celebrating together...


Welcome back to Term Two.  


I hope everyone had a blessed Easter celebration with family and friends and that you were able to participate in both Holy Week and Easter services wherever you travelled over the school holiday period.  


Term Two has arrived after a well deserved break away from bells and lunches. We now look forward to: shorter days and longer nights, new or adjusted schedules, different uniforms and maybe an extra layer here or there, as we head towards the month of May.  


The fifth month of the year sees us enter the final stages of the season of Autumn, often referred to as the ‘Show Off’ season. May provides us with the last chance to see just how many pesky leaves can attach themselves to our lower limbs, as we stroll (and kick our way along) the slippery footpaths.


Apart from kicking or raking up these beautiful gifts from mother nature, these leaves provide us with not only colour, but some much needed cheer and inspiration at this time every year. This process (an annual leaf pilgrimage of sorts), as a change in conditions and circumstances dictate that it is now time for each leaf to detach themselves from the safety of their tree and fall to the ground. The fall resulting in a new environment, a new perspective and a new way of living now. 


As the leaves drop to the ground, life becomes a little less certain now, with numerous dangers lurking around them. With each breath of wind, every heavy footprint and explorative animal that traipses past, these leaves have to ‘look sharp’, have their wits about them, holding on for dear life, no matter what confronts them. Different shades of colour, glorious and subtle detail, hidden depth and meaning behind each and every leaf that falls from up high, now litter the ground in which we walk. 


Even with these dangers, Autumn leaves still have many adventures. These adventures are often determined by chance or unexplained events, a clash of competing forces, or simply, wherever the wind takes them on any given day. They can be whisked off in a matter of seconds, they can be scraped up in an instant, they can be mown over and mulched in the blink of an eye. Journeys along watery gutters and roads, sliding down deep gushing and dark storm water drains, surfing out into glistening waterways, fighting with an excitable cat, even becoming stuck to the sole of a person’s shoe all await, as each leaf dodges and dances their way around now.   


Just like these leaves, so too must we have our wits about us as the weather cools and the days grow shorter, now navigating life with a little less natural light, with winter fast approaching. Hopefully, none of the above adventures befall any of us as we step into Term Two, holding on for dear life, wherever the wind may take us.  


Wishing everyone a safe and adventure-filled Term Two. Travel safely in uncertain and different conditions. I hope you enjoy the final stages of the ‘Show Off’ season and the beauty of the softly falling leaves before their journey ends.  


Have a lovely weekend.  


Kind Regards,


Ed Weekes 


School Principal