Wellbeing MATTERS!

Welcome Benvenuto
It’s Week Ten
The Good Samaritan
The parable that Jesus tells us is a great example of how we can challenge ourselves to be our best.
At Sacred Heart School one of our PBIS pillars is: Be Your Best!
Jesus tells the parable, to the Jewish people, yes Jesus was a Jew, in particular the priest and hierarchy. As of all of Jesus’ parables it has a sting in its tail, which is in fact a directive to the Jews to remind them of what they should be doing to be their best. The fact the Samaritan was the only one to come to the aid of the battered man is a challenge that as us – what are we doing to help our fellow human being?
In this modern age it could be how have you contributed to the recent flood appeals to support the many Australians that are literally sinking under the depths of water? Or have you made a stance against the Russian invasion of Ukraine? Have you donated to Project compassion?
At Sacred Heart School we are empowered by the message of Jesus’ story to be our best.
- Have I used my words so that they have given a positive message?
- Did I accept the invitation to the party, even though I don’t really like that kid?
- Was I able to show care and compassion to the kid that always annoys me or seems to go out of their way to hurt me?
- Have I been a role model by allowing others to play with me?
The Samaritan were hated by the Jews, yet he modelled being his best by helping, knowing very well that this was a Jewish man and it was ‘taboo’ to mix with Jews. He was willing to go the extra mile and be his best. You can say he was the face of Christ.
Jesus asks us to be accepting of all. The poor, marginalised and outcast. As we come closer to the mystery of the death of Jesus at Easter, otherwise known as the Passion of Christ, lets us take solitude that we are not being asked to be sacrificed on a cross, but to be our best by accepting all people and when we can to help those that are not as lucky or fortunate as we are.
How are you the face of Christ?
What example can you set your child?
Be YOUR Best!
If ever you need help sorting out personal or family issues, give CatholicCare Victoria a call. They offer many services to all members of our community – FREE.
Please click on the link below to find out more.
Tip of the fortnight: Offer to make dinner for a friend – ask them what their favourite dish is.
Are you taking care of yourself? Try this:
It can help to talk with a trusted adult if it all feels a bit much
Bouna Pasqua!
Niente Senza Gioia
Pastoral Wellbeing Leader