

Kirsten Travis and Karen Pain

Lachlan King and Riley Stratford Sporting Blue Success!


In 2021 BPS had two boys in grade 6 who were nominated by our school to trial for a Victorian State Team in their sport of excellence. These two boys were Lachlan King-Tennis and Riley Stratford-AFL.


The boys had to navigate and excel through a serious of knock out trials at district, division, regional and the final pinnacle, the state selection event. You may recall that both boys were successful and joined the elite for their age group by making the SSV Team Vic squads and earning the right to wear the navy-blue uniform with the distinctive” V” logo.


Despite Covid and the restrictions that this placed on the teams participation in national events, their achievements cannot be diminished and the boys should be very proud of what they achieved. 


At the end of last year BPS nominated the boys for the prestigious SSV Sporting Blue Award for excellence in their chosen sport. Only one boy and one girl in each sport are awarded this accolade each year and I am really delighted to report that Lachlan and Riley have both been successful.


Today they attended the ceremony at the Glasshouse, Olympic Park Oval, where they enjoyed rubbing shoulders with the other award recipients and listening to the guest speakers who gave a little insight into the dedication and commitment that is required to make a successful career out of doing what they love. 

Many, many congratulations to Lachlan and Riley, remember their names!!



Grade 3 - 6 Cross Country Carnival

Well done to all 279 students who travelled to Dendy Park for our 2022 House Cross Country Carnival today. The students had trained hard, listened to instructions on how to prepare and turned up determined and excited to face the challenge ahead.


Quite a few comments alluded to the fact that the actual race turned out to be not as hard as initially expected. Often fear of the unknown for the younger students turns to pride in completing the course and realising that they had played their part in helping their House to gain points towards the eventual result. 


The student’s behaviour was exemplary and I was so pleased with so many individuals asking if they could help either with equipment or with running with the younger students to encourage them along the way. 


The grade 3’s were competing to gain experience and the grade 4-6’s will progress to the district event next Thursday if they finished in the top 12 runners in their race. Many thanks to the parents again who turned out in force to make the experience a positive one for all the competitors, the teachers, specialist staff, nurse Cecile and Mrs. Travis who organised the day.


At the end of the event the results were as follows, with Fairhaven breaking a 12 year drought in winning the carnival! 


1ST : FAIRHAVEN 398 pts

2ND : LONSDALE 343 pts

3rd : SORRENTO 272 pts

4th : APOLLO  257 pts