Hallinan Library

Mrs Wilson and the Year 3 - 6 students have been exploring the Gale database

Library News

National Simultaneous Storytime is a national literacy event held in May. This year’s book, written by an Australian author, was “Hickory Dickory Dash.” Schools, Early Learning Centres and libraries around the nation read the same book at the same time. Our classes were encouraged to participate. The students from ELC to Year 6 completed a STEM challenge. (The ELC students were capably supported by their buddies.) We investigated pendulums.  We explored what happened when weight was added (increasing the momentum) and how the change in the length of the string changed the distance in the pendulum’s swing. Some classes completed further activities focussing on this highly entertaining and rhythmic book.


During library lessons, the primary student (Year 3-6) have explored the Gale database to which we subscribe. We looked at how to limit results using the inbuilt filters. It is a fabulous resource and one which mirrors the databases available in senior school. Follow the link below to access Gale via the library website. (Your children should be able to recall the password if not please contact the library staff.) A great place to start any research task.





The Hallinan Library Team