Musical Notes

Musical Notes

Music Soiree

Congratulations to all the students who were involved in the Music Soiree last Monday evening. It was a wonderful showcase of all our students' talent and enabled us to use our wonderful new space in the Fr James O’Doherty Performing Arts Centre. Thank you to the Music Captains for putting together the video package as a reflection of Generations in Jazz. Also a big thanks to the staff who contributed to the evening and Kangarilla Hill wines for their generous donation.


SACE Moderation

On Tuesday 29 May, 11 students who are completing their SACE Stage 2 Solo Performance studies will be undertaking their first formal moderation. From 11:10am – 3:15pm Music Room 1 will not be able to be accessed.


Primary Arts Evening

Primary Arts Evening is fast approaching and a reminder that all Primary Students will  participate on the evening. It is a compulsory event. It is a fantastic celebration of the Arts at Blackfriars. Please see SEQTA for the Save the Date information and keep Tuesday 26 June Free


Co-curricular Attendance

A reminder that for students involved in Music co-curricular, it is a requirement for parents to notify the Director of the Ensemble if your son will be absent for a rehearsal. Aside from setting courteous habits for our students, it is also important in regards to our duty of care. Many rehearsals take place before or after school and despite other school events taking place, it is important to ensure that we are aware of the whereabouts of students for their own safety.


Miss Jessica Reppucci