From the Principal -

Mr Simon Cobiac

St John’s Celtic Cross – Iona, Scotland

Dear Families and Community of Blackfriars Priory School,

Celebrating Easter

The Celtic Cross is one of my favourite metaphors of Easter as this unique cross visually embodies the symbolism of both the death and resurrection of Jesus in one powerful image.


The symbolism is quite simple. The cross is a representation of the crucifix on which Christ died. The ring which surrounds the upper part of the cross represents the Sun, (ie) the resurrection. As we enter the mystery of Easter this year we reflect on the suffering, death and the action of God in raising Jesus from death.


We reflect on our own lives and where we can identify with the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. We all experience moments of struggle, suffering, loss, grief, pain, rejection and uncertainty in our daily lives. Many families also experience the everyday reality of financial, health and relationship struggles. Similar to Jesus, each of us experience resurrection moments; daily moments of love, companionship, joy, friendship, peace; times when we feel the support of God in our lives, often through the love of our families, friends and community.


Easter provides an opportunity for us to reflect on the Easter mysteries and connect our life to the life of Jesus. For me, such reflection and identification with the Easter pilgrimage of Jesus imparts a heavy heart of gratefulness; a deep and genuine appreciation for God’s gifts to me, the sincere appreciation of my life, my family, my friends, my connection with community, in particular the Blackfriars Priory School community and simply, the incredible blessing of living in a beautiful country, Australia.



                is not only

                the greatest of virtues

                but the parent of all the others”                    Cicero


At Easter, we reflect on the gift of the Eucharist given by Jesus on Holy Thursday, enabling us to celebrate and recall Jesus in a very personal way.  We celebrate our faith in God who invites us to live each day in love of self and each other and to bring God’s Kingdom to birth in today’s world.


This Easter, let us all live the death and resurrection of Jesus and be people of joy and people who trust in God’s great love for each person and our world.


I wish every family member of our community a blessed and peace filled Easter.  


Yours sincerely,


Mr Simon Cobiac