Women in Engineering

If you don’t see it, you can’t be it!
This week Year 10 students were provided with the opportunity to see into the world of engineering.
Four women working in the industry spoke about the studies available and shared their experiences of their engineering careers - where they studied, where they have worked around the world, and the types of projects they have worked on.
Of particular interest was Amy explaining how she operates a massive dozer (earth moving equipment) remotely from the side of a mine cutting when working on a mining project.
A big thank you to Gita Pendharkar, Project Leader for Women in STEM at RMIT's College of Science, Engineering and Health and Amber Woodhouse, an RMIT student and Paula Hernandez and Amy Scicluna from CPB Contractors (a corporation delivering many large infrastructure projects around Melbourne) for their great presentations and volunteering their time to speak with our students.
Karen Garton
Careers and Pathways Coordinator
Photo: Gita Pendharkar, Paula Hernandez, Amber Woodhouse, Amy Scicluna and Karen Garton.