Junior School News

Welcome back to term 3
We hope you had a relaxing holidays and that the students are ready for another great term at MGSC.
There are many activities to look forward to:
- Year 8 Public Speaking Competition
- Year 7 and 8 Round Robins
- Year 8 Band Form Excursion
- Aerobics Nationals
- Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews
- Athletics Day (competitors only)
- Colour Run
Verbal Combat - Year 8
On Friday Brainstorm Productions will be presenting their student wellbeing program ‘Verbal Combat’ for Year 8. Words are powerful. Words can hurt and cyber bullying is devastating. Verbal Combat is a live theatre program that follows three friends who learn that their online words can last forever. The desire to fit in and be liked is strong and when one friend starts to post witty, but mean rumours to get more online likes, the play takes a cruel twist. All too soon, the posts are wreaking havoc in all their lives and the characters quickly discover that there is no easy way out. Verbal Combat is essential learning, that addresses the dire consequences of cyber bullying and will help students understand that their digital footprints are hard to erase and so are their mistakes.
Congratulations Zoe!
Zoe Waters (Year 7) has been training intensely for the last nine months to represent Victoria in the 2019 National Calisthenics competition. Over the school holidays Zoe flew with her team to Western Australia and competed against other states. Her Victorian team came third. Zoe had the best time with her teammates and enjoyed performing at such an elite level. Well done Zoe!
Emma Holman
Director of Junior School