Term 1, 2020 

2020 will be an exciting final year of the Year 6 students’ journey! 


Literature Groups

Volunteer parents will be assigned a group of 8 students of mixed ability. The leader will read their chosen novel and initiate and promote discussion of plot and character whilst the children follow on. Groups will meet once a week on Tuesdays at 9.00am for 30 minutes and the first session will be on Tuesday 3 March. 



Students will continue to read, interpret and respond to a wide range of literary and media texts in print and in multi-modal formats. They will analyse these texts and support interpretations with evidence drawn from the text. The children will use a range of approaches to spelling, applying morphemic knowledge and an understanding of visual and phonic patterns in line with the SMART Spelling approach. They will employ a variety of strategies for writing, including note-taking in their Writer’s notebook, using graphic organisers, planning, editing and proofreading.


Speaking and Listening

Students will prepare and deliver a speech in front of their class about a leader who they are inspired by. They will be assessed on the Writing component of this task - check Compass for details.


Maths Groups

Maths will be taught in classes this year, with specific lessons targeted to the children’s needs within each mathematical concept. Our Term 1 focus is 'Number' including place value, the four processes, decimals, percentages and fractions.  Once a week we explore different Problem Solving strategies to enhance the students’ ability to interpret worded Mathematical problems:

  • Find a Pattern
  • Draw a Picture or Diagram
  • Make an Organised List
  • Make a Table
  • Work Backwards
  • Use Reasoning

Early Morning Maths

Early Morning Maths will commence on Wednesday 26 February from 8:30am – 9:00am. The Year 6 teachers will be available each week to assist students with specific areas of need. Students are expected to take responsibility for their learning and actively pursue strategies to assist their progress and to further their understandings of concepts.  All are welcome to make the most of this opportunity and are encouraged to participate regardless of their ability.

Units of Inquiry


Leaders possess unique qualities​


Lines of inquiry:

  • The meaning of leadership
  • Attributes of a good leader
  • Issues that inspire leaders
  • The ways we can demonstrate leadership at school and in the community



Present day cultures are influenced by cultures from the past


Lines of inquiry:

  • Events leading to Australia’s involvement in war since Federation
  • The changing face of Australian society throughout the 20th Century
  • Migration
  • The contribution of individuals and groups to the development of Australian society


Homework is given out on a Monday and is due back on a Friday. Homework tasks each week include SMART Spelling, Maths, Reading (min 20 minutes 3 nights per week) and project work. The homework should be signed by a parent, acknowledging that the work is satisfactory and to the best of the child’s ability.  The diary is also to be signed by a parent and should include details of Reading for the week, including book title, number of pages read and time spent reading.

Whole-school Focus on PYP Learner Profile Attributes

February: Caring

March: Principled

The Resilience Project Focus

We continue to work through the Resilience Project lessons to build gratitude, empathy and mindfulness.