Middle School Report

Middle School News

Have you as a parent been receiving messages from your child during school hours? Has the use of technology stopped your child learning the skills of independence, reflection and personal empowerment.

As parents most of you had the opportunity to work out issues on your own during the school day. If you missed the bus you had to make your own way home and explain when you got home, if you left your lunch on the bench it stayed on the bench, if you had issues at school you had time to process it, work out ways on how you could deal with it and by the time you got home you may have had a plan of action or spoke with your parents about it.

Why are we as parents not allowing our children the same opportunity we had every-day, to become independent, empowered and strong individuals without the continual connection to the phone to help them out with the slightest challenge that befalls them?

If this is happening with your child remember this simple question when they ring - "How are you going to fix this problem?" Allow them to come up with solutions, like you did when you were growing up. They may make some mistakes but they will learn from them.

Year 7

The year 7 students have had a busy two weeks. In Science week was last week, they had an opportunity to watch a show called 'Launch to the Future' that used a theatrical production to educate students about Science and Technology.

Later on in the week the students had a session on Life in Ancient Greece run by 'History Up Close", with an enthusiastic approach to sharing knowledge through the use of artifacts and reproductive costumes.

Year 8

Year 8C and 8E had the opportunity to attend the Monash Tech School and look at the SuperPowers Program. The students tour Monash University and it's buildings, looking at how they are sustainable. On the second and third day the students undertake a project looking at solar energy, wind energy, biofuel and hydro power.

Year 9

On Monday there was a whole School assembly. Part of the assembly was to congratulate students from all Year levels showing Excellence. Well done!

Mrs Melissa Robinson

Middle School Leader