Principal's Page

WHSC Principal Awards, 2019

In 2019, we have introduced another means of recognising student effort and achievement through the WHSC Principal Awards.


The student recipients of these Awards have achieved outstanding results with respect to their learning in Semester One this year.  Furthermore, these students have not only shown Excellence across many of their subjects, but they have also demonstrated Respect and Creativity with their learning – it is these values of Excellence, Respect and Creativity that are so important to our College Community.

At our Whole School Assembly earlier in the week (Monday 19th Aug.), we were able to present a number of students from across the year levels with Principal Awards.   We congratulate these students on their excellent results, together with their respectful and creative approach to their studies in Semester One this year.


(Please read on in the Newsletter for a full list of student award winners)  

Collective Teacher Efficacy

As per the last Newsletter (9/8/19), we have been involved in Professional Learning Community (PLC) training with the Department of Education and Training (DET) this term:


"Many schools have already completed this PLC Training and as a result have implemented PLC Programs within their schools.  PLCs can be used within our school context in the future.


A shared sense of purpose and trust, a strong collaborative approach, the use of data and formative assessments, together with the ability to strongly reflect and review, are some of the characteristics of effective PLCs" (extract from the last Newsletter, 9/8/19).


 Our training will continue through the remainder of Semester Two.


A real focus of PLCs is the notion of Collective Teacher Efficacy.  Collective Teacher Efficacy is the collective belief of teachers in their ability to positively affect students and their learning outcomes.  According to Professor John Hattie's research, Collective Teacher Efficacy is the number one influence when it comes to improving student learning outcomes (Visible Learning Website, 2019).


Collective Teacher Efficacy is when teachers are working together to create opportunities for students to have 12 months of growth with respect to their learning as a result of the teaching provided.  Teachers are able to work together and pool their expertise in ways to effectively measure the impact of their teaching based on the formative and summative assessments used with students.  High expectations are set for students and there is a combined belief that it is teachers that have a direct impact on their learning (Hattie, 2018).  This real sense of 'team work' with our teaching creates


We are looking forward to our continued work as part of the PLC Training Program.

Principal's Morning Tea

It was great to meet a number of families yesterday (22/8) from some local primary schools in the area as part of the Principal's Morning Tea.  


Some of our student leaders were also involved leading a tour of the College for our guests.  I thank families for taking the time to come along to our Principal's Morning Tea.   

WHSC Overdue CAT Submission Policy and Procedures

We have developed a new Late Work Submission Policy.  The Policy is supported by a set of procedures to assist with the process of best monitoring student work that may be submitted beyond the due date.


Any queries concerning our Overdue CAT Submission Policy can be directed to the General Office.

DET, 'About You Survey'

The Department of Education and Training (DET) are working with schools to have students complete the 'About You Survey:'


"The student health and wellbeing survey (known as the About You Survey) collects important information about the health, development, learning, safety and wellbeing of children and young people in Victorian schools.  Schools are expected to participate in the survey to form an accurate picture of the health and wellbeing of their students.  The survey covers topics relating to nutrition, health, physical activity, safety, life satisfaction, and family relationships." (extract from the DET Website, 2019).


The 'About You Survey' will be conducted with Y7, 8, 10 and 11 students on Thursday 29 August.  More details will be shared as appropriate closer to the time.

Principal For A Day - Professor Michael Kennedy

Professor Michael Kennedy will step out of the world of academia for the 19th annual Principal For A Day event, 3 September 2019.


The Principal For A Day Program offers a first-hand experience of a ‘day in the life’ of a Victorian government school principal.


The Principal For a Day (or PFAD) Program provides mutual benefits for schools and business/community leaders.   I am excited to welcome Michael to our school and we look forward to exchanging ideas, visiting classes and talking to students.


PFAD provides us with an excellent opportunity to enable Michael to gain unique insights into the learning environment at our school.


Principal For A Day aims to:

  • increase understanding and awareness between schools, business and the wider community
  • promote the great work that schools do
  • provide business and community leaders with first-hand and current experiences of schools
  • enable school principals to develop ongoing relationships with leaders from other spheres
  • increase opportunities for schools and the community to work together in mutually beneficial ways.

PFAD is funded by the Bastow Institute of Educational Leadership and delivered by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER).

Intermediate Sport

We congratulate all of those students who participated in the Intermediate Sport Day last week.  We had many students participating in a number of sports on the day.


A special mention must go to our Intermediate Boys Basketball Team who won their competition on the day - well done boys!  We wish the Intermediate Boys Basketball Team all the very best for the next round of competition.

'Value of the Week' - Respect

We recognise our students for their respectful conduct during the Whole School Assembly earlier in the week.

And Finally................

Don't forget about the WHSC Parents and Friends Committee Trivia Night on Friday the 13th of September commencing at 7:00pm in the College Library.


Tickets (Adults - $15.00; Children - $5.00) can be purchased using the Try Booking platform at:


Please see the site for further details, together with the Trivia Night Flyer attached below. All enquiries can be directed to the General Office.



Have a great weekend everyone,









Aaron Smith
