

Well, despite apocalyptic rumours in the media to the contrary, NAPLAN seems to have run relatively smoothly. Or as smoothly as anything can go for activities that involve computers. While a few students had issues, that were managed on the day, most had few if any interruptions to their tests. It seems our planning has helped overcome problems quickly and kept the process on track. This was in no small part to the work of our IT Department lead by Peter Niforas and John Cheung, the calm professionalism of our staff and the resilience of our students.

Well done all round.

The testing period is now over, with students having completed assessments of their Numeracy and Literacy levels. We now wait for the results to be processed and returned to the college, parents and guardians so we can all work together to improve the learning of our students based upon better understanding of where they are at.

This should be available late term 3, but with NAPLAN Online hopefully a bit sooner than in previous years.


Paul McGlynn

Curriculum Implementation and Data Leader