Assistant Principal's Page

Events, events, events!

Our students have many opportunities to go on excursions or experience incursions at school. With six year levels and multiple domains, each with a rich curriculum, we want to make sure our students receive the best education at WHSC. This is why we are grateful for Compass and the way we can communicate to the community. Being paperless means you have the ability to approve an event at the tip of your fingers. You have so much power just by clicking a button. But with great power . . . comes great responsibility. 


Teachers want all their students to get the best out of their learning but they can't be expected to ring all parents to ensure every student gets that chance. So, we are asking you to check Compass regularly to ensure you have seen the events and have had time to see what is happening. At times, staff may make phones call as a friendly reminder or as a check-in but this should be treated as a rare occasion and not an expectation.

Look up!

Who doesn't love a podcast? Do you ever find yourself putting your earphones in and shutting out the world by listening to a podcast? No, not your thing? That's alright. It was just a lead in to this news item. We were just trying to make a connection. Now that we have it, we just want you to make sure your child is road safe and can turn off their music/podcast while walking across a road on their way to school or on their way home. If their music is off and their eyes are looking at the road and not at their phone we have a better chance of seeing them arrive at their destination, safe and sound.

College Uniform and Attendance

This article appeared in the newsletter earlier in May. Given the current weather conditions, we would like to take the opportunity to remind students and families of the uniform requirements at the College and reiterate our expectation that all students continue to wear full School uniform as outlined in the College Uniform Policy which can be found on the website. Please also note that from the start of term 3, we will be reinstating the following arrangement where students who have a scheduled Physical Education class in Period 1 may come to school in full sport uniform. Students who have a scheduled Physical Education class in Period 4 may leave school in full sport uniform. For all other periods, students must change at school.students can arrive to school. We thank students for adhering to the temporary arrangment duirng semester 1 of arriving and leaving in full school unifrom. 


Parents/Guardians are also asked to support their children by ensuring regular attendance at school. 

Schooling is compulsory for children who are 6 to 17 years old. 

Students are expected to attend  school during normal school hours every day of each term, unless:

  • the student is registered for home schooling and has only a partial enrolment in a school for particular activities
  • the student has an approved exemption from school enrolment or attendance.

Daily attendance is important so students don’t fall behind socially and developmentally.

School helps:

  • maximise life opportunities for students by building education and support networks
  • develop important skills, knowledge and values that set them further learning and participation in the community
  • students make the most of life opportunities.

Children and young people who regularly attend school and complete year 12, or an equivalent qualification, have:

  • better health outcomes
  • better employment outcomes
  • higher incomes across their lives.

Regularly missing school may be an indicator of disengagement, leading to adverse outcomes. It is an easily observable warning sign.

A child missing one day a fortnight will miss four weeks in a year, and more than a year of school by year 10. It is important that children develop regular attendance habits at an early age.

If you require support from the college to further support the young people under our care, please contact a member of the subschool team.

Middle School

Leader of Middle School: Melissa Robinson-

Year 7 YLC: Ben Shepherd-

Year 8 YLC: Angela

Year 9 YLC: Jacinta Wilson-


Leader of Senior School: Judith Riddoch-

Year 10 YLC: Max Ellis-

Year 11 YLC: Megan Hodgkinson-

Year 12 YLC: Anna Anetoudis-


Student Wellbeing Coordinator: Louise Ford-


Judy Anderson and Claire Hanley

Assistant Principals