Prep, Year 1 & 3 News

Prep Grandparent's Morning

Last Wednesday (19 June), the Prep students were excited to have their grandparents or special friend in the Prep classrooms for a fun morning to celebrate their Unit of Inquiry about family histories. The Prep students sang and told their grandparents why they loved them.


It was lovely to see so many Grandmas, Grandpas, Nannas, Pops, Pas and special people in the Prep Learning Centre.

A HUGE thank you to Fiona Whitehouse, Trudy Buchanan, Stacey Slattery, Sophia Kraskov and Alison Powell who helped out with morning tea – you were AMAZING! 

Prep Old Fashioned Dress-up Day

To conclude their Unit of Inquiry ‘Where we are in place and time’, today the Preps had an old fashioned dress up day. The children experienced what it was like to go to school in the olden days by playing old fashioned games throughout the day such as marbles, knuckles/jacks, elastics, snakes and ladders, quoits, skipping ropes, yo-yos and board games. 


Dreamtime Story of Tidalick the Frog

On Pyjama Day (14 June), students from 1A did a wonderful job telling the Office ladies the Aboriginal Dreamtime story of Tidalick the Frog!

Well done girls!

Precise Nouns - Year 1

Last week the Year One students learnt the importance of using precise nouns in their writing. To reinforce the notion that precise nouns make our writing more powerful, the students were read a passage, jam packed with precise nouns, and asked to draw what they heard. The results were impressive. Here are Josh, Charlie, Lachy, Alannah, Byron and Riley with their detailed drawings.

Junior BEET Program - Year 3

The Year 3 BEET students have recently been working on different STEM activities that required them to think creatively, work collaboratively and use effective time-management skills.


One activity involved building a structure that could support the most possible weight, using only craft sticks, clothes pegs and binder clips.


Another challenge was to construct the tallest free-standing structure using 20 sticks of (uncooked) spaghetti, masking tape and string and to see whose would not topple when a marshmallow was placed on the top.


There was designing beforehand and testing as they went along. At the end, each team reflected on what worked best and how their designs could have been improved.



Pam Collins, Junior BEET Coordinator