Students Taking Action

Pinchapoo Collection

Clementine G and Aria L (4A) interviewed the founder of Pinchapoo and did an AMAZING job - check it out below!

On Friday the 14th of June, we held a Pyjama Day where the students were asked to come in their favourite most comfortable bed wear.  Rather than the usual gold coin donation, the request was for students to bring a donation for a charity that we are supporting called Pinchapoo, which involved donating toiletries to those in need. 



We were blown away with the response and generosity of our school community, as we were able to gather over 1000 toiletry items that will go a long way to assisting the lives of those who are far less fortunate than we are. Thank you again for all your support.


Junior Council and Clementine G & Aria L (4A)

Holly H (5C)

On June 13, Holly Harris (5C) did an incredible thing - she cut off her beautiful long, blonde hair and donated it to Variety – Hair with Heart.


Hair with Heart collect hair to make wigs for Australian children who have gone through some horrible illnesses where the treatment means they lose their hair. Holly has been planning this incredibly generous donation for 2 years, however it has been something she has wanted to do for a long time. Holly has not only donated her hair, but also raised over $1,500 that will be split between Cancer Council Victoria and Hair with Heart. We would like to congratulate Holly on her kindness and generosity. Well done Holly!


If you would like to support Holly in her amazing gift, please CLICK/TAP HERE to donate.