Principal’s Message

It's hard to believe it's Week 8, Term 4!  I'm not sure where the year has gone.  We have had a busy and amazing year celebrating our school centenary.  We acknowledge the contribution of the Josephite sisters in founding the school back in 1919 and celebrate this milestone in our school's history.  We are very fortunate that in our centenary year, we are receiving a significant upgrade of our facilities.  Stage 1 of the building project is almost completed and having walked through the building many times, I can safely say it is outstanding in both design and functionality.  The students will have access to first class learning spaces which are appropriate for education in the 21st century.  Special thanks to Fr Anthony Koppman, Chris Smyth and the team from CSO Armidale, Neil Mangelsdorf and Shay Brennan Constructions for their hard work and dedication to ensuring our students have top class facilities in which to learn and play.






May God bless you,

Katie Hanes



St Joseph's School - where Faith, Learning and Community matter.