Principal's Message

Wayne Wood

College Principal









To our St Mary’s community,


‘Through FAITH, HOPE and LOVE we make a difference in the world’

 (St Mary’s Mission Statement)

Renowned educationalist, Sir Ken Robinson, says that “there is no school in the world better than its teachers”. And there is no doubt that this endorsement extends to all staff in schools. Quite simply, things happen at St Mary’s because of the hard work, dedication and generosity of staff.

As I look back on the first six weeks of the year, I am amazed at all we have managed to fit in – Opening Mass, Year 7 Retreat, Swimming Carnival, Sports Programs, Music Camp, Subject Excursions, Leadership Retreats and more. We really have had a wonderfully exciting start to the year.

Every one of these events and programs are integral to the fabric of our College and they speak to the range of opportunities available to the young men and women at St Mary’s. As you can appreciate, they also highlight the generosity and commitment of the staff at our College.

 I take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank our staff for their dedication and hard work.


Coronavirus (COVID -19)

As you are probably aware, there remains significant concern about the spread and potential escalation of the Coronavirus and the implications this might hold. Whilst I am sure you are keeping updated with the latest developments of this new global problem, here, I simply wish to share a brief overview of school implications for your consideration.

It is important to note, as the saying goes, that we need “to be alert and not alarmed”.

Firstly, The College Leadership Team has been monitoring the situation and closely working with Cairns’ Catholic Education Services to ensure the safety and health of our students and staff are at the forefronts of our minds and actions. Our meetings have included discussions around appropriate hygiene practices, implications for overseas trips in 2020, flexible curriculum delivery options (if required), and communication strategies.

Secondly, Cairns Catholic Education has set up a page for school communities. This will assist you in keeping up to date with the various measures schools are implementing in line with advice from State and Commonwealth health authorities.

Thirdly, Mr Bill Dixon, Executive Director, has communicated that all overseas excursions, student exchange programs and overseas staff professional development leave has been suspended for the foreseeable future. This is subject to ongoing review as we gain further clarity, however, at present the risks create too many uncertainties for our duty of care. 

Lastly, personal hygiene practices are obviously crucial for maintaining health, not only regarding to the Coronavirus but the flu, colds etc. To minimise the spread of disease-causing viruses and bacteria, I ask that you, please reinforce with your child good hygiene practices, particularly, washing and drying of hands regularly. At school, we have also located antiseptic hand ‘wash’ dispensers at strategic locations around the College.

Thank you for your consideration of these matters. Our continual vigilance is obviously essential to minimise the spread of illness. Please be assured that the College continues to monitor this situation closely, and we will advise the school community immediately should any changes occur.


Year 12 Retreat Cancellation

Acting on the professional advice we have been given, and in the interest of student health and safety, the College has decided that our Year 12 Retreat will not be held as was expected during Week 8 of Term 1. We are all disappointed in this cancellation, however our duty of care for our students and staff were closely considered within our capacity to manage student sleeping arrangements, processes of isolating student if required, detecting illness etc. Catholic Education Services continues to be supportive of the College’s decision in this matter.

Staff and students are already working together to explore options for an alternative Retreat Experience for Year 12 students.  


Drop-Off and Pick-Up

In the interest of student safety, I wish to continue sharing this important message:

The safety of our students, staff and visitors is paramount. As such, it is important that all families observe the College processes for parking and student drop-off and pick-up:

  • Students should not be dropped off or picked up inside College grounds.
  • Students are to be dropped off and picked up in the stop-drop-and-go zone directly in front of St Mary’s and St Gerard Majella School.
  • Students must enter or exit the vehicle only when the car has stopped in the stop-drop-and-go zone (and not in front of the ‘Tee Pee’).
  • Parents are requested not to drive into the College grounds during the hours of 7:30am-9:00am and 2:30pm-4:00pm.
  • Parents having business with the College (i.e. school fees, interview, uniform shop etc) during those hours are welcome to enter the College grounds and park in the Staff Car Park.  
  • Should a student be physically incapacitated or require special need, an application can be made to the Principal for a drop-off and pick-up permit.

God Bless