Library News....

Generally at the end of the term we ask for all students readers and books to be returned. 

Due to the circumstances we have many of these in peoples homes. 


We would really appreciate if we could get these back to reorganize ready for when school reopens. 

To help make this happen we will put out our "Library Returns Box" outside of the library each day next week and  would really appreciate it if you could call by and drop in your books.

Thankyou in advance...….


During this time at home with your children you may want to look at the following websites. 


Storyline Online

On the this website celebrities read books. There is a large selection.

Imagine a world where it’s alright to ask questions and have your voice heard. Each episode we delve into a puzzling question from an inquisitive mind, examining the science behind it in a fun and engaging ways.This podcast is suited to kids aged 4 and up, though all members of the family are sure to learn something!


SA Public Libraries online story time! A range of very talented Story Tellers from SA public libraries... Click here to view over 20 videos featuring Story Time, Baby bounce, Rhythm & Rhyme, Toddler Time and more.