Term 2, Week 4

Home Learning

Home Learning

We would like to thank you all again for your continuing support and positive communication. As we adjust and make changes to how we approach Home Learning, we are seeing the positive impact  on how the students are approaching their work. We hear, from the students, that they are enjoying the opportunity to take more control over their learning and be given the independence to organise their own timetable.  The quality of work being submitted is, on the whole, at a high level and demonstrates a good understanding of the key concepts we are covering this term. Each subject area also provides the opportunity for extension tasks, and will continue to provide more opportunities for optional extension tasks as the term progresses. We appreciate that this is a challenging time, but we want to acknowledge the time and effort the students and their families are putting into helping us make this work.



Information about your child's Google Meet sessions will be posted on their individual class Google Classrooms. We have adjusted the timetable to include extra sessions this week, but they may be in a different order to last week, to help best support the students' learning. 



At the end of each day, we have asked the students to reflect on their work for that day. This will be through the Google Classroom and teachers will be using this information to help mark the school roll, to ensure all students are engaging with home learning tasks. If possible, please remind your child to complete this task.



Miss Gillings has put together an example daily timetable which we have shared with the students (it will need to be viewed through the Grade 6 Cohort Google Classroom). It is a great way to organise and keep track of tasks, and provides a great sense of accomplishment when ticking of tasks that are done. Please feel free to copy and edit it to suit your needs. 



This week, we will be reading Chapter 5 of Running Wild. Students can choose to keep notes as they read to help with task 3. Just like last week, the students will then need to complete a word study related to vocabulary from the chapter. Finally, the students will explore how the character Will has changed since the beginning of the book. This task will involve skimming and scanning the book to find evidence of what Will WAS like and what he is like NOW. 



This will be the final week for our unit, 'Writing Information Texts'. Students have analysed common structural and literary features of information texts. They have conducted their own research and written a plan based on the subheadings they have chosen to include in their report. This week, students will write a non-chronological report based on the life of Charles Dickens, ensuring they address all aspects of the success criteria. Once they have finished the writing stage, students will spend time editing their own work for cohesion and grammatical errors and explain their editing choices. Once satisfied, students will publish (type) their non-chronological report and submit to their teacher via google classroom. 


In Mathematics this week, the students will be studying different types of angles. They will begin by identifying the types of angles (for example acute, obtuse etc.) Following this, they will practise using a protractor to measure and draw angles.

IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO A PROTRACTOR, there are activities available which will use an online protractor. These are marked in the slides. 

Access to additional Mathematics work can be found through Mathletics and students can continue to work through their personal goals using My Numeracy.

Unit of Inquiry

Students will continue to improve their knowledge of action and begin to plan an action for our school. Students will be working through the sheet, ‘A Day of Climate Action: A School-Wide Event to Reduce Carbon Emissions’. Students will plan a whole school event, which takes action to reduce Carbon Emissions. Students will create an advertisement to promote their action at school. They will create something which could be displayed around the school grounds.


We encourage and celebrate student voice in Grade 6. If students have any concerns or questions, they can comment or post on either the whole cohort or individual class Google Classrooms. Teachers receive notifications when students post and will respond when possible. Students should also communicate questions and ideas relating to learning with each other using the two Google Classrooms. This will keep them connected and allow them to see each other's progress.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email your child’s teacher through compass. 


Children must have Google Classroom notifications turned on to ensure they are receiving communications from their classroom teacher and their peers. It would be useful if students checked the Google Classroom each day to see if new information or tasks have been added.

Specialist Team

The Specialist team will be organising tasks for the students through their iNewsletter which can be accessed from here or the link the Specialists will send out each week.

Please contact Mrs Travis or Mrs Goosey if you have any questions. 

Hearing Unit

Parents of Hearing Unit students, please continue to refer to your child’s weekly HU program. Please contact your child’s Teacher of the Deaf with any queries.