School Activities

Zoo Excursion - Year 1

This term, Rooms 24, 25 and 30 have been learning about animals. We have been researching animals to write information reports and also building habitat dioramas in Geography. Last Tuesday, as part of our unit of work, all 3 classes went on an excursion to the Adelaide Zoo. We had a fantastic time exploring the zoo and learning about habitats with a zookeeper. Thank you to all of the parents who came along to help us on the day. We are now definitely animal experts! 


Western Primary Schools' Hiragana Competition

On Wednesday the 19th of September eleven Yr 6 & 7 students attended this competition at Kidman Park Primary.

We competed against six other schools to be the fastest at reading Japanese sounds and words.

As we spent some lunchtimes and our own time practising, we felt we were well prepared.


The competition was extremely fierce, with the top three teams going on to  represent our region in the State Hiragana Competition next term.


Sadly, our three Grange teams did not get 1st, 2nd or 3rd but they enjoyed it and that’s what matters.


We’d like to thank Ms Buggy for supporting the eleven students. Thank you also to Kendra and Anthony’s Mums for transporting us.


By Wyliam H,  7S

Narrative Writing Room 29

Room 29 has been working on narrative writing this term. 


The most important things for a narrative are:


- Adjectives to describe nouns - Jake D

- Beginning, middle and ending - Millie P

- Problem and a solution - Laith A

- Proper nouns for our characters - Danilo M


We are now turning our narratives into Reader's Theatre by designing a set and puppets to share our stories. We are focusing on making sure our set designs match our setting and characters from our narrative. Here are some images of us using our plans to begin construction. 

Junior STEM News

We have been busy this term with our STEM Inquiry “How can we at Grange Primary help save water and keep our oceans healthy’. We have been learning to be scientists and do experiments using The Scientific Method. (see pics)


 We enjoyed learning about evaporation as a process in The Water Cycle when our Living Loan person from SA Water visited us. 


Some people even got wet! Please enjoy our photos.

Zoo School Fun Year 6

The 3 year 6 classes from Grange went on an excursion to the Adelaide Zoo for 2 days to learn all about the animals and threatened species. The day included an educational talk about endangered species, a behind the scenes tour of different areas in the Zoo to learn about feeding and care of the animals and finally a work sheet to learn more about the animals at the Zoo. Once the students had completed the tasks assigned, they were free to explore the Zoo to take a better look at the animals and their habitats. On behalf of all the year 6’s we would like to thank Ms Wilson, Ms Xenides, Ms Taylor and all the parents who came along, we couldn’t have gone on this amazing trip to the Zoo without you!

Kaitlyn  - Room 32