Performing Arts News

Beauty and The Beast

Our 2018 production of ‘Beauty and the Beast’ was a huge success with the cast, orchestra and crew performing 6 shows in 3 days to a sellout audience! We could not be prouder of the students’ enthusiasm, dedication and willingness to exceed even their own expectations.


The performance was a culmination of 6 months work by our cast, band, crew and production team. The word that comes to mind when I think back on the entire experience of bringing this story to the stage is ‘passion’ - none of what you saw in the show has been produced without it. Throughout the journey we have been constantly surprised, delighted and overwhelmed by the enormous amount of passion, dedication and commitment from each and every person involved. The hard work from everyone is impressive and we are enormously proud to think that we have completed a professional show that requires talented dancers, actors and musicians. Beauty and the Beast is a challenging show that has fast scene changes, speedy tempo musical numbers and dramatic storytelling elements.  At every rehearsal the students amazed us; - from learning lines to performing them in character, learning songs from a book and then singing them live with the band or even remembering everything their character has to do for the 2-hour show or playing an instrument for 2 hours straight.

The atmosphere around this ‘tale as old as time’ has been a special one  with the increase of more boys participating, more talented junior students receiving lead roles and of course having over 150 students involved from Years 7 right through to year 12; no other event brings everyone together like a production does!


Congratulations to everyone involved! We will be organising an afternoon where we watch the show so keep an eye out for dates and times.



After winning gold at the regionals in April, our treasured PRSC Aerobics Team won GOLD at the State Finals in June and are now invited to compete at the National Finals in Queensland! The National Aerobics Championships are held over 3 days from August 24th – 26th at the Gold Coast Convention Centre. The team has been busy fundraising on many levels, to ensure they can make it there to hopefully win gold again! From sausage sizzles to chocolate boxes to lolly jars, the team are working extremely hard to fundraise. The Seaford RSL has got in and helped with a sizable donation, but we are still in need of some funds to get us there. So, now we come to the largest of our efforts – the Trivia Night! This will be a wonderful night of fun and games for all to remember! There are prizes galore and performances to boot! So please register your interest at ( & come along to support our Aerobics champions! We would love to see as many people there as possible! 



Friday, August 10th – 7pm.

PRSC Performing Arts Centre

BYO Food & Drinks

Adults - $20.  Students - $10. Payable on the night.

Come in a team of 10 or just come & we will organise you into a team!

Say What!

Some budding writers, poets and performers finished term 2 off with a bang at our dramatic reading competition, Say What?!

Students presented readings from existing novels, songs and poems, and we even had some original works! Performances were delivered to an enthusiastic crowd, under the watchful eye of our judges who gave some great feedback to all of our readers (thank you so much Mrs Mitchell, Ms Molloy and Miss Blackburne!) Congratulations to all of our competitors, who braved the stage to share their talent, and to Mali Goggin 7C whose wonderful performance earned her first prize.  See you all again next year!