Sports Report

Intermediate Girls Netball
The College was represented by two teams in the Intermediate Girls Netball at Jubilee Park on Thursday June 1st. The Year 9 team came away with 4 wins and 1 loss, finishing second in their division. The Year 9 Most Valuable Player went to Tia Weston whose athleticism and ability to read the play was an asset across multiple positions on the court. The Year 10 team came away with 3 wins and 3 losses in their division. And the Year 10 Most Valuable Player went to Tauri Bowtell. All girls showed fantastic sportsmanship behaviour and a positive attitude to try their best and encourage their team mates. Well done to all students involved.
Ms. Jessie Hawksworth
Year 7 and 8 Inter School Sport
Late in Term 2 our Year 7 and 8 students represented the College at various Northern Peninsula Division Sporting Carnivals. Our Year 7 Sport Curriculum allows students to train each Tuesday afternoon in the lead up to these carnivals. We had students playing AFL Football, Soccer, Netball, Hockey and Badminton and all students who took the field, court or pitch did so showing high levels of sportsmanship.
At Year 7 our Football boys played some exciting football throughout the day only going down to eventual champions Frankston HS by a couple of goals which was a terrific effort. All three of our Netball girls teams played incredible with our A team only losing 1 match, our B team being very competitive all day and our C team winning their overall division. Soccer teams played on some muddy pitches at Ballam Park and Seaford North but both teams came away with a few goals to their name and experienced some winning success throughout the day.
Our Year 8 students also competed well with teams in Boys AFL, Girls Netball and Soccer teams. The boys football team were quite strong winning two matches and only narrowly losing two matches on the day. The Year 8 Soccer boys played incredibly and won or drew all matches which is a great sign for our already strong soccer pathway within the College. Our Netball girls continue to experience success and were highly competitive all day only losing one match to EMC.
Term 2 has been action packed with hundreds of Patterson River students representing the College in a range of sports. Thank you to all staff, students and families involved as preparation is key to success and everyone has played a part. I am very excited for the sporting future of the College if our junior sport results are anything to go by.
Southern Metropolitan Region Championships
Early August will see three Senior Term 2 Northern Peninsula Division Championship Teams compete at Southern Region. These carnivals will all be conducted in round robin format with the winning school progressing onto the Victorian Metropolitan Final. We wish these student all the very best
Term 2 NPD Championship Teams
- Senior Boys AFL (Mr Chandra)
- Senior Boys Soccer (Mr Jack)
- Senior Boys Badminton (Mr Cox)