Community Announcements & Advertisements

Earn and Learn 2017
This year we will be participating in the Woolworths Earn & Learn program.
When you shop for groceries at Woolworths from Wednesday 26th July to Tuesday 19th September, collect the Earn & Learn Stickers.
Place your Earn & Learn Stickers on the ‘Sticker Sheet’ and drop the sheets or stickers into the ‘Collection Box’ located here at school in the general office or the library. Alternatively, place your stickers in the Patterson River box at your local Woolworths (Patterson Lakes or Seaford).
At the end of the promotion, we’ll be able to select some new equipment for Maths, English, Science or some fantastic fun supplies for Arts & Craft, Sport and our library.
If you’d like to know more visit
Thanking you for your support!
Fundraising group
VCAL Community Project
Students do you enjoy Mario Kart?.. reckon that you are the best and could destroy anyone who threatens your throne? Well prove it in the upcoming Patterson River Mario Kart Tournament. The big event will be held next month including prizes for the top three players and other special rewards too. Prove you’re the king of the karts.
More information coming soon stay tuned to the school newsletter and compass announcements.
Year 9 Community Connexions - Pencils Community
A group of Year 9 students are engaging in a program which helps donate pencils and books. These items are sent to schools and orphanages around the world as well as disadvantaged children locally.
Please send all donations of pencils and other stationery to the Year 9 centre. For more information about this project you can look online at
Items accepted include: pencils, textas, crayons, pencil cases, sharpeners and erasers; rulers and calculators; scissors and gluesticks; pens; pencils; paper and any other stationery items.