Daniel Grozdanovski
Middle Sub-School Manager
What a busy few weeks in the lead up to Term 1 Holidays. Plenty of events occurring inside and outside of school for our Middle School Students. Year 9 students having recently completing their NAPLAN Testing and Launching into Year 9 Incursion. All students recently attending the school Athletics Day. Well done on a successful start to the year getting back to school and into good habits.
Launching into Year 9 Incursion
Thank you to all staff and students who contributed to the full day incursion at NGSC. They engaged in all the aspects of the day and were respectful to all presenters and staff. Students undertook a variety of activities listed below.
- YLead facilitated leadership sessions- to encourage our students to be the best they can be and make a positive difference to the community around us
- Goal setting ~ short and long term goals
- Bike education
- Rock & water- team building activities
- African drums workshop
Impacting a Pathway to Employment Program
We recently opened an opportunity for students to undertake some volunteering hours and job ready mentoring sessions through Volunteering Geelong. It was exciting to see the range of students taking on this opportunity to develop some work ready skills and prepare themselves for the work force moving forward. We would like to wish all these students the best in completing the program over the next couple of weeks!
Parent Teacher Conferences - Progress Reports
Parent/Teacher conferences were conducted last week, and we would like to thank the Parents/Students who made the effort to check in with their teachers. These conferences provide us a great opportunity to develop those relationships with parents/teachers and students all working together to get the best results moving forward.
The next round of Progress Reports will be released next week. As always, we encourage you to look at these with your child and discuss any successes or concerns with them. Sub School teams will look over these reports and identify students who may be at risk (below a 2) and organise meetings moving forward.
School Wide Positive Behaviours
The sub school would like to acknowledge the following students who are consistently displaying the values of the school on a day-to-day basis. They have been acknowledged by staff on multiple occasions so far this term. Keep up the good work!!
Leah Rogers
Brock Anderson
Dean Smilevski
Levi Bronszewski
Sierra Davis
Ela Mulayim