Senior School

Term 1 Senior School
The community of Lyndale Secondary College continues to adapt to the current educational landscape. We are delighted that the school is in full fight, and our staff and students can continue to learn and grow within the normalities of an onsite school environment now that COVID looks behind us.
Our students in Senior School have returned to Term 1 with a desire to improve their learning. This has been evident through the way students have displayed a rigour to establish a highly accomplished academic achievement through the forms of making the most out of new Senior School Studies Centre, It has been delightful walking through the new senior studies centre before school, during the day and during break times to see our students making the most the space has to offer through individual and collaborative study. Our year 12 students are enjoying the luxury of having a kitchen to prepare their meals and a courtyard exclusively for the year 12 students.
We are continuing our work with staff and students on developing rigor and expectation, displaying a strong emphasis on school pride and performance through work ethic and symbolic expectations to our students. We encourage you to have positive supportive conversations with your students at home regarding respectful conversations and showing respect towards staff members. Staff are working extremely tirelessly in developing symbolic expectations to our students and we need to have students respond well in order to see our students grow.
Students should now all be in full school uniform. We have a few students still yet to be in the correct shoes and we encourage families to support the school protocols and have your child in the correct uniform as soon as possible. We need coordinators to be focusing their time on supporting students in their pathways and looking into supports we can continue to put in place to support our students in their learning.
Thank you to our Senior Sub School leader Ms Monique Lenehan Moustafa for her tireless effort in supporting a positive start for our Senior Students ensuring that every single student is enrolled on VASS and is now eligible for their senior certificates.
Thank you to Ms Georgia Staikos our Pathways Leader, as the school continues to grow and develop, we have been working on the introduction of the new VCE Vocational Major and VPC into the Year 11 and 12 curricula for 2023. It takes what is called an ‘Applied Learning’ approach. Applied learning involves students engaging in relevant and authentic learning experiences. It is a method of learning where theoretical information comes to life for students in a real-world context that relates directly to their own future.
As we move into Term 2 we will be beginning our work towards supporting our year 10 students to think about their pathways into 2024. Students will be receiving information from careers thinking about work experience and handbooks will be ready in Term 2 for students to think about the subjects that will best support them in their pathway moving forward. Year 11 & 12 students are working hard in their outcomes to ensure they build up sufficient credits to set themselves up for their final year of school
As always if you have any questions relating to your child’s progress, please email your child’s teacher through compass. Year level coordinators are also available for you to discuss any social or wellbeing issues.
We look forward to meeting many families throughout the year through our meetings and events that will be happening throughout the year.
Diana Kennedy
Acting Assistant Principal
Senior School
Senior School Team
Director of Senior School: Monique Lenehan-Moustafa
Year 10: Carolyn Franklin & Dylan Mersin
Year 11: Tayla Shannon & Lyndon Shane
Year 12: Jo Gallo & Phil Marie-Jeanne
Admin: Bec Campell