
Humanities Term 1 Report
This term in Humanities students have been learning about government, democracy and how to be an active participant in our society. A very current topic considering the possibility of a referendum later on this year about the Voice to Parliament. Students have learned about voting though experiencing a class election, simulated question time as well as different methods of active participation. Through this knowledge we have also improved on our critical thinking, questioning, research and paragraph writing skills throughout the term. We also had a visit from our local state member of Parliament Gabrielle Williams who was very impressed with our students understanding of the Australian political system.
We also ran some lunchtime activities to celebrate Harmony Day on Friday 17th of March. Early next term the Humanities team will be delighted to run a fashion show to celebrate our pride in our diverse cultural backgrounds at Lyndale. Stay tuned for more information about the day to come.
Take care over the break and we look forward to delving into History in Humanities next term.
Allegra Blain
Humanities Domain Leader
You can also view the article about Gabrielle's visit on our school blog: