Sport & PE Update 

Term One in Review


Our Term 1 has been full of swimming activities for our Senior school students.


Our Level 3-6 swimming program has been happening over at Caulfield Grammar School during the last 3 weeks. Although there are a few teething issues we are working through, I feel it has been a good decision to hold our swimming programs there this year. Not only is it significantly chaper than other venues, the reduced time away from the classroom as been a benefit to all involved. Additionally, not needing to hire busses for transportation has also reduced the time out of the classroom and cost to parents.

There are still 2 more lessons that need to be made up later in the year.

We look forward to planning and organising the Junior Swimming Program Later in the year.


Term 1 also saw the Interschool Swimming Competition. We had beautiful weather at our District Day back in early February with over 20 students coming first of second in their races and progressing through to the Division Competition.


The Division day was filled with very talented students in each event. Either way, it was a fantastic effort for our 20 students to make it through to this level of Competition.

We had some great success that day with several relay teams and individual swimmers coming first or second in their race to progress through to the Eastern Metropolitan Competition.


Congratulations to the following students on their tremendous efforts at the Regional Competition:


Hope Q                 8th          Under 10’s Backstroke

J-T G                      13th        Under 12 Backstroke

                                7th          Under 12 Breaststroke

Kaleb G                 5th          Under 10 Butterfly

Under 10 Boys Freestyle Relay                    4th         (Kaleb G, Hope Q, Ashton R and Leon K)

Under 12 Boys Freestyle Relay                    9th           (J-T G, Javian T, Beckett D and Oscar K)


Level 6 Summer Sports

need words

Senior House Athletics

On Monday 1 May our Level 4-6 students will be participating in the Senior House Athletics Day at Bill Sewart Athletics Track in Burwood.

The students have been practicing their events during PE this Term and they are looking forward to showing what they have learnt and earn as many points as possible for their House.


For this day to run successfully, I require a large number of parent helps to assist at the events. A teacher will be at each event to coordinate it, however assistance is required for measuring distances and retrieving equipment. All up, I will need at least 20 helpers in the morning and 10 in the afternoon.

If you can assist on this day, even just the Am or PM sessions, please contact me on

House Cross Country


Scott Zachariassen