Curriculum Matters 


The Grade 5 and Foundation students enjoyed their Buddy Easter egg hunt together. They were amazed to see the bunny footprints all over the school!

Level 1


We have had a great Term 1 in Level 1. Students have established sound routines and many wonderful social connections.


During this term, we have had a big focus learning about the Mindful Monsters. Students have had Laura come into the classrooms and teach them about the different mindful techniques they can learn from the monsters. 1F also taught us a lot about the mindful monsters at their assembly.


Students have been highly engaged in both our inquiry units this term. First learning about themselves and families . They researched how families are the same and different from each other. They also brought in photos to create timelines about things that they have done at different stages of their lives. 

Our second inquiry unit was based on Toys. Students participated in the Toy Incursion where they learnt a lot about different types of old and new toys. They also learnt some of the origins of the toys and the materials that they are made out of. 


Our Numeracy this term has focused on many different topics. Students have completed improvement groups focusing on increasing their knowledge of Number Lines. They then used their knowledge of number lines to help them with solving Addition and Subtraction sums. Students enjoyed learning about 2D and 3D shapes, where they have gone on shape walks and created shape monsters. Other Numeracy topics that we have covered this term include place value and mass. 


Students have delved into our Soundwaves program with much enthusiasm. Enjoying the interactive program on the Smartboard, while they practice their spelling on mini whiteboards. We are noticing an improvement in many students spelling already. They have really enjoyed our writing activities, which have been focused around some of our favourite storybooks: The Little Red Hen, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt and Goldilocks. It has also been pleasing to see our students confidence increase with their reading. 

Level 2

We have had an amazing start to the school year this term in Level 2. 

We are so proud of the work we have done, including these Easter baskets and rainbows that we created. They were very tricky because both tasks required us to use rulers and the metric length to measure out the templates for both! 

They were challenging but super fun!

Level 3

What a busy term for Level 3! 

We settled in very quickly to our recently renovated classrooms and enjoyed getting to know each other in our new classes! We were super proud of our positive approach and commitment to NAPLAN and demonstrated a calm and resilient mindset to complete the tests. To celebrate our ‘can-do’ approach, Level 3 enjoyed a level party with lots of delicious treats!

An excursion to the Melbourne Zoo for our Inquiry topic ‘Circle of Life deepened our understanding of animal classification, adaptations and food chains/webs. We embraced the STEM challenge to work in teams to design an enrichment object for an animal that encouraged natural behaviour as well as promoting mental and physical activity. There was lots of creativity using recycled materials and we all enjoyed testing and presenting our designs to our class.

To celebrate the end of term and Easter holidays, Level 3 participated in lots of fun Easter activities including egg & spoon race, bunny hop sack races and STEM fun creating a zip line for an egg. 

What an amazing term! Can’t wait to dive into our Term 2 learning!

Happy Easter & happy holidays! 


Level 6