Principal's Report

Jells Park Primary School



Principal:                         Kevin Oakey






Assistant Principal:     Kellie Stewart







Online Safety

I would like to draw attention to the section on the school website that addresses ONLINE SAFETY.


Cyber Safety — Jells Park Primary School (


There have been a few recent incidents with regards to inappropriate language and conversations through chat rooms. This is hard for the school to manage as most of this happens after hours, at home.


I would ask parents to PLEASE monitor their children's use of laptops and iPads and take the steps recommended in our website. Most importantly, monitor your children's sleep by ensuring they are OFF all electronic devices at least 1/2hr before they go to bed.

Staffing Changes

We welcome to the school Mrs Cheryl Lim as a replacement to Mrs Lauren Kalatzis, who will be heading on Maternity Leave from Week 4 Term 2. 


We also welcome Mrs Anita Woon for Term 2 as a PE teacher replacement for Mr Zach, who will be stepping up to Acting Assistant Principal.

Help Needed - Land Surveyor

We are looking for someone in the school community (or connected) to assist us with a project. Our stormwater drains have not been working well and we need to address the land levels, particularly around the ELC. Hence we need a Land Surveyor, someone with experience with 'Feature and Level Surveying'. If you can help, please contact Kellie Stewart next term. Thanks.

Parent Reminders:

  • Student Late Arrival at School - if your child is late for school parents MUST accompany their child into the office to sign in and then accompany them to class. This is a DET regulation and signifies that you, the parent, has approved the late arrival and ensures they reach the classroom. This is parent responsibility, not an office responsibility.
  • Start of Term 2 dates - a little unusual start to Term 2, returning on Monday 24 April, having a public holiday on Tuesday 25 April. Please be sure you are aware of this.

2023 Parent Contributions

If you haven't made any payment towards the Educational and Specialist contributions, it would be much appreciated if you could before the start of next term.  This allows us to finalise our budgets and know what we can provide for additional education and extra-curricular opportunities for your children.

School Tours

We have opened School Tours for prospective 2024 families, available to be booked on Try Booking, starting next week. A link is available on our website and below.


Please promote and advertise our school and let any prospective families that might be interested know that tours are now available.  


A reminder that I will be taking some extended leave for the whole of Term 2. Mrs Kellie Stewart will be stepping in as Acting Principal and Mr Scott Zachariassen stepping up to Acting Assistant Principal. I am very confident that I am leaving the school in strong hands and I wish everyone a great term.




Kevin Oakey
