Visual Arts

Overview: Lots of fun has been had in the Art Room this term. 

All students begun the year with a bang, bringing their incredible creativity and imagination to Art. They created collaborative artworks for display in and outside the Art Room. The thread running through the art pieces is a sense of belonging and connection. 


Foundation students explored collage techniques to create beautiful textured dots. Grade 1 to 4 students took inspiration from Aboriginal artists, including Natalie Jade and Aboriginal symbols to create mixed media artworks that depict their connection to nature. Grade 5 and 6 students expressed their connection to others in their colourful paper sculptures, which they made using paper stripping.

Currently we have wrapped up a unit in Modelling.  

Everyone enjoyed making marvellous clay creations. Our students loved using clay and it is one of the highlights on the Art calendar.  Once they are painted, they will be coming home to be enjoyed by all.

A big THANK YOU to our generous school community, as the money raised from last year’s Art Show auction contributed to purchasing colourful new stools for the Art Room. They were delivered at the end of last year, so students have been enjoying them this year.

Call out to for old newspapers!

The Art room needs newspapers, so if you have any, please send them our way. 

We would greatly appreciate it.


Ms McSweeney & Mrs Savva

Visual Arts