Principal message

 Dear community of St Monica’s,


As the colours begin to change with the signs of Autumn and the nights are getting cooler and longer, we note the passing of the season. It is also the sign that in Australia we are coming to the end of the Lenten season which culminates in the Passion of Easter.

Easter is the most significant feast of our Catholic tradition. With the death and resurrection of Jesus, God shows his love for humanity by giving us new life and new hope. Just as the caterpillar emerges from the chrysalis as a butterfly, we celebrate the joy of life after death and the light on the other side of darkness. I wish you all a safe and happy Easter and look forward to welcoming you back on Wednesday 26th April after ANZAC day.


We have been invited to have a family represent St Monica's at the Kangaroo Flat memorial service on ANZAC day on Tuesday, 25th April 2023

commencing at 9am

at the Soldiers Memorial Garden

High Street, Kangaroo Flat Vic 3555

If you would like to represent the school and lay a wreath please contact  Kellie Dadds

Mob: 0459 288 400


A few notices before the holidays begin.


Congratulations to James O'Brien who was the recipient of a National emergency medal for services rendered in the 2019/2020 bushfires for his work at Kangaroo Flat CFA.


I would like to thank Jarrod Epps who gave out medals to our student placeholders at our school cross country on Wednesday. Jarrod's enthusiasm and community mindedness saw an amazing number of volunteers support this event and I think Jarrod also deserves a medal for all the preparation and execution on the day. Thank you to all the amazing family members who made the time to support as volunteers and spectators.


We wish Adrienne Stokes well as she heads off on Long service Leave for the term. Art will be taken by Carolyn Hess in Adrienne's absence. 


We have had quite a number of our community absent due to COVID in the last couple of weeks. Please continue to be vigilant and test if you have any symptoms. We are still expected to report any positive result and isolate for 5 days. See Vic health for more details.


April 2nd was  Autism Awareness Day in Australia

You can read to learn more about Autism here-


Did you know that Bendigo Community Health is available for children and family health services. They are expanding and are a great resource for our community. For further information go to their website at


The year 5/6 camp last week was a great adventure experience. Thank you to our parents who supported our staff to provide a safe and stimulating camp experience. Photos can be found on the 'what's happening' page.


Thank you also to our P&F for the organisation of our Easter raffle. Money raised will go towards our oval development. Winners are as follows:


Please see the Religious Education page if your child is on year 4, has made their Reconciliation and would like to prepare for Eucharist and Confirmation this year. Forms are available on this page. We have had a limited response thus far so please get your form in so we can make arrangements for your child.


In the holidays I will be meeting with a consultant from Education Play to discuss our plans. I'm hoping that we can get this project off the ground next term. Thank you to Dave Williams for his research and contact with contractors. It has been a disappointing and frustrating exercise for him as it seems everyone contacted is either fully booked or is not interested. We may end up looking for some family support and anyone with contacts in the industry is welcome to get in touch.


The school community raised over $800 for Project Compassion which will go to Caritas to support their projects. Thank you to everyone who donated during Lent.


Next term I will be asking families to participate in our school review. If you are available on Wednesday 23rd May at 2.45pm I would love to include you in our parent group who will meet with the reviewers and share their experience of St Monica's.

Further information will be available next term.


I wish you all a wonderful and happy Easter from all of us here at St Monica's.




Ms Fiona Dearn
