Around the Primary Classes


Recently, our Kinder students learnt about the word ‘Harmony’, that it is being peaceful and kind together. The girls looked at pictures of people from around the world and made up some stories to share with us.

Our Kinder students have also been learning how to use a hammer with care and concentration - skills they put into use when they built a submarine in their playground!


This year our Prep and Year 4 students have been enjoying getting to know each other through our buddy program. To celebrate the Easter Season, Prep and Year 4 came together to do an Easter egg hunt. The Year 4 students made each Prep a paper egg with their names on them for the Preps to hunt. Once each Prep student found their named egg they were given a chocolate one, as a special little treat. To reciprocate, the Preps made Easter cards for each Year 4, wishing them a safe and happy Easter. 

Students had so much fun trying to find their eggs and enjoyed making something nice for their buddies.  We look forward to many more fun activities next term. 

Year 2

We read the text Dirty Bertie then watched a YouTube clip on how the author drew Dirty Bertie. We then drew our own versions of Dirty Bertie.  Dirty Bertie had many disgusting habits which he slowly changed but there was one habit he couldn’t change - picking his nose and when no one was looking he’d eat his boogies!!!

Year 3

During Holy Week, Year 3 have been learning about the events of Jesus' life in the lead up to his resurrection. Students watched videos, listened to scripture and retold the events of Easter through images and symbols on a Holy Week calendar. 

Year 4

In Year 4, we have been learning about the events of Holy Week and their importance to Catholics. We have learnt about each event, including Palm Sunday, the Last Supper, the persecution of Jesus, Jesus’ crucifixion and His resurrection. Students summarised their learning of these by creating simple paper cutouts to represent the events. 

Students were also enthralled to make some very cute Easter Sock Bunnies. We enjoyed our crafting session!  

Year 5

The Year 5 students have been looking at Christian Prayer this term. Last week they got together and in groups they created their own prayer stations for the other primary classes to use during the Lenten season. The girls used their imagination and creativeness to come up with resources and a design for their prayer station. 

Japanese Poster Competition

As part of student engagement, the Japanese Teachers Network of Tasmania (JATNET) organise a Poster Competition.  This year’s theme was connected to the 12 animals of the zodiac in Japan – The Year of the Rabbit (うさぎ どし) usagi doshi. All students from Years 1 - 6 were given the opportunity to participate in this activity with some class time given. One of the requirements was the poster needed to contain the word "usagi うさぎ  " in Japanese in one or more of the scripts – romaji, hiragana and kanji. 

Indy Trost (Year 1)
Elysia Scott (Year 2)
Amelia Perera (Year 3)
Madeleine Docking (Year 4)
Olivia Banks-Smith (Year 5)
Annabel Henderson (Year 6)
Indy Trost (Year 1)
Elysia Scott (Year 2)
Amelia Perera (Year 3)
Madeleine Docking (Year 4)
Olivia Banks-Smith (Year 5)
Annabel Henderson (Year 6)


Congratulations to all students who participated and completed a poster over during Term 1. This is an example of some of the good work completed from each class. Posters will be judged in 5 categories: Years 1-2, Years 3-4 and Years 5-6.  Results will be announced during Term 2.