Who's Who in the Primary?

Hannah Fleck

I started at Mount Carmel College in Year One, after moving from Ireland after taking a family holiday in Australia. From day one Mount Carmel felt like a family and a home....and it still does, which is probably why I came back! My hope is that every Mount Carmel student will always feel the same way. It is such a special place.


I’ve wanted to be a teacher since I was a little girl, I think I played schools with my one hundred teddy bears every single day.I’ve always loved children and being able to work with them every day is an absolute privilege.


What is your favourite colour?

Pink! Every type of pink. I love everything pink.


What is your favourite movie/song/book?

My favourite movie has always been The Lorax, but I’m more of a TV show person.


Are you a sweet tooth or a savoury person?

I’m a savoury person, very hard to resist anything yummy. Although I am a very picky eater. 


How do you relax and unwind?

I unwind by going to the gym, it’s the place where I can just put my earphones in and focus on myself. I am a very social person, very much an extrovert. I am constantly surrounded by beautiful, outgoing friends. I couldn’t go a week without people.


When was the last time you smiled or had a big belly laugh?

I have a big belly laugh most days with the beautiful Preps.


What are you most looking forward to this year?

Working with so many of the beautiful girls at Mount Carmel. I feel especially lucky to be working in Year Two with the last group of boys at the College - they are so special. To make learning fun and striving to make everyone’s day a happier one. 

I am very much looking forward  to taking on both new work and personal challenges this year, to conquer some goals and make 2023 the best year possible.


What quote, line from a song or motto sums you up?

I think there’s probably many but one would be “Family is not an important thing, is it everything.” I am a very family orientated person, they mean the world to me. I live with my mum and my younger sister;  best friends that I will have forever. My dad lives in Ireland but much of who I am has come from him. No matter the distance between us, family will always be my entire world. I also think of my friends and a part of my family.